w={{ base: "64", md: "80", lg: "md" }}
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<Text bold position="absolute" color="coolGray.50" top="0" m="4">
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<Text color="gray.400">August 7, 2023</Text>
<Heading size={["md", "lg", "md"]} fontWeight="medium">
The Garden City
<Text isTruncated noOfLines={["4", "4", "4"]}>
Bengaluru (also called Bangalore) is the center of India's
high-tech industry. It is located in southern India on the Deccan
Plateau.The city is also known for its parks and nightlife.
Bangalore is the major center of India's IT industry, popularly
known as the Silicon Valley of India.
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<MoreIcon _light={{ color : "emerald.800" }} _dark={{ color : "emerald.300" }} />
<Text _light={{ color : "emerald.800" }} _dark={{ color : "emerald.300" }}>
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NativeBase: Universal Components for React & React Native
Rewind-UI - A fully customizable React-TailwindCSS component library