ChuanyuXue / MVTest

A Distribution-Free Test of Independence Based on Mean Variance Index.
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I find code is a little slow for large dataset and code intending to accelerate it #3

Open xiaoshijian opened 2 years ago

xiaoshijian commented 2 years ago

Hello Chuanyu, thanks for introducing this method for me to test dependency I am now working on the competition for HM recommendation system in kaggle, I want to use this code for check feature importance. There are 800000 samples (x and y are array with size 800000) in training data. I don't know whether I use the code correctly or not. I found that it is too slow when I want to operate with sample size in 10 * 5 level. Therefore I read your code and think maybe slowness is iterative comparison for code in line 67 ''' for s in x: result += pr numpy.square(self._fr(s, t, x, y) - self._f(s, x)) '''

After that, I try accelerating mvtest by avoiding large amount of comparison, Here is my idea


def test_accelerate(self, x: numpy.ndarray, y: numpy.ndarray):
        x = numpy.array(x)
    except Exception:
        raise Exception("The expected type of this argument is Array or List,"
                        " however \"" + str(type(x)) + "\" is gotten.")
        y = numpy.array(y, dtype=int)
    except Exception:
        raise Exception("The expected type of this argument is Array or List,"
                        " however \"" + str(type(y)) + "\" is gotten.")
    if len(x) == 0 or len(y) == 0:
        raise Exception("The input vectors cannot be empty.")
    if type(x.dtype) == str or type(y.dtype) == str:
        raise Exception("The element type of input vectors cannot be \"str\".")

    self._n = len(x)
    self._m = len(numpy.unique(y))
    if self._m > 10:
        self._m = 10

    if self._n == len(y):
        result = 0
        xy = np.concatenate([x.reshape(-1, 1), y.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=-1)
        values_info_in_xy = get_values_info(xy)
        for t in np.unique(y):
            xyr = xy[xy[:, 1] == t]
            pr = len(xyr) / len(xy)
            values_info_in_xyr = get_values_info(xyr)
            partial_result = cal_partial_result(pr, values_info_in_xy, values_info_in_xyr)
            result += partial_result

        return {'Tn': round(result, 2), 'p-value': self._quantiles_transformer(result)}
        raise Exception("Two vectors must be equal to the same dimension vector.")

def get_values_info(xy):
  get information for each value in xy
  information include: (value, 
                        last position of value in ratio, 
                        last position of value , 
                        total amount of value)
  xy = xy[xy[:, 0].argsort()]
  x = xy[:, 0]
  size = len(x)
  value_set = set()
  output = []
  for i in range(len(x)-1, -1, -1):
      value = x[i]
      if value not in value_set:
          # (value, last position ratio of value in list,  last position of value in list)
          output.append([value, (i + 1) / size, i + 1])  
  output = output[::-1]  # reverse it

  for i in range(len(output)):
      # add total amount of this value in list to item
      if i == 0:
      # last position in current value - last position in last value, because it is sorted
          output[i].append(output[i][2] - output[i-1][2])

  return output

def cal_partial_result(pr, values_info_in_xy, values_info_in_xyr):
    # x_in_xy, x_in_xyr均为list,其中的元素是(value,position_in_percentage)
    l1, l2 = len(values_info_in_xy), len(values_info_in_xyr)
    p1, p2 = 0, 0
    partial_result = 0

    while p2 < l2 and p1 < l1:
        # 对于x_in_xy中的每一个元素,寻找在它在x_in_xyr的位置,并找出它的前一个元素
        s = values_info_in_xy[p1][0]  
        ratio1 = values_info_in_xy[p1][1]
        value_amount_in_xy = values_info_in_xy[p1][3]

        if s >= values_info_in_xyr[p2][0]:
            while p2 < l2 and s >= values_info_in_xyr[p2][0]:
                p2 += 1
            ratio2 = values_info_in_xyr[p2-1][1]
            if p2 == 0:
                ratio2 = 0
                ratio2 = values_info_in_xyr[p2 - 1][1]
        partial_result += value_amount_in_xy * pr * np.square(ratio2 - ratio1)
        p1 += 1

    for p in range(p1, l1):
        ratio1 = values_info_in_xy[p1][1]
        value_amount_in_xy = values_info_in_xy[p1][2]
        ratio2 = 1
        partial_result += value_amount_in_xy * pr * np.square(ratio2 - ratio1)
    return partial_result


ChuanyuXue commented 2 years ago

Hi @xiaoshijian,

Thank you for your idea! I like the way you accelerate by reducing the comparison dynamically. It is very smart. If you still have interests in improving this repository, you might want to reproduce the results and the time overhead on your training data with/without your updates. If the improvements are significant, then we can merge your solution into the main branch. Thanks!