ChuanyuXue / tsnkit

A scheduling and benchmark toolkit for Time-Sensitive Networking in Python
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usage of eight queues #2

Closed chaungLi closed 7 months ago

chaungLi commented 7 months ago

hello,i realized this project ,found that (which i dont understand )the result:GCL.CSV,and queue.csv only use the queue 0,why it does't use other queue while there are seven queues available .thanks for anwsering.

ChuanyuXue commented 7 months ago

Your choice of scheduling model will determine the number of utilized queues. For instance, the no-wait model, as outlined in the paper, will always use a single queue. Please try methods in wait-allowed model, such as CP-WA and JRS-WA, if you want to use multiple queues.

It worth noting that even in models that are designed using multiple queues, utilizing just one queue can also happen if it can effectively schedule all streams with single queue.