ChuckBell / MySQL_Connector_Arduino

Database connector library for using MySQL with your Arduino projects.
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Update read_int #170

Open BmdOnline opened 3 years ago

BmdOnline commented 3 years ago

The offset is missing in the calculation. For example, the MySQL error code returned is false.

ChuckBell commented 3 years ago

Please specify what version of MySQL you used to test this change.

BmdOnline commented 3 years ago

Hi, I used this version :

mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.5.9-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1

But it's not related to MySQL version. It's a typo in your code, You forget to apply offset in buffer.

BmdOnline commented 3 years ago

To be more specific, I'm trying to catch MySQL errors.

For example, try this query when the table arduino doesn't exists: char INSERT_SQL[] = "INSERT INTO test_arduino.hello_arduino (message) VALUES ('Hello, Arduino!')"; You will get this error : Error: 57 = Table 'test_arduino.hello_arduino' doesn't exist.

According to MySQL reference, it should be: Error: 1146 = Table 'test_arduino.hello_arduino' doesn't exist.

Buffer, in this case, is : 39:00:00:01:FF:7A:04:23:....

Error code is at and 5th position. 57 is decimal conversion of buffer starting at position 0 : 39:00 1146 is decimal conversion of buffer starting at position 5 : 7A:04

In parse_error_packet from MySQL_Packet.cpp, you're right when writing:

  Bytes                       Name
  -----                       ----
  1                           field_count, always = 0xff
  2                           errno
  1                           (sqlstate marker), always '#'
  5                           sqlstate (5 characters)
  n                           message

And when you're doing : Serial.print(read_int(5, 2));

Everything seems good, but read_int always return first bytes, not Nth ones (5th in this case).

I haven't checked other usages of read_int.

References About error codes, from MySQL and MariaDB :

About decoding error packet, from MySQL and MariaDB :

ChuckBell commented 3 years ago

Yes, I am well aware of the error packet and I will review your suggestions to ensure it is compatible with Oracle MySQL. I do (can) not make changes to support anything else, hence my guarded questions. I will reply back later this week. Thanks!