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GitHub Daily Top 10 @2023-12-22 #145

Open chuck20230613001[bot] opened 8 months ago

chuck20230613001[bot] commented 8 months ago

Trending repositories for C

  1. ihm-tswow / Links-Awakening-DX-HD

    Unaffiliated fork off

    137 stars today | 230 stars | 146 forks | C#

  2. elsa-workflows / elsa-core

    A .NET workflows library

    18 stars today | 5,300 stars | 952 forks | C#

  3. dotnet / maui

    .NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.

    6 stars today | 20,332 stars | 1,462 forks | C#

  4. abpframework / abp

    Open Source Web Application Framework for ASP.NET Core. Offers an opinionated architecture to build enterprise software solutions with best practices on top of the .NET and the ASP.NET Core platforms. Provides the fundamental infrastructure, production-ready startup templates, application modules, UI themes, tooling, guides and documentation.

    0 stars today | 11,819 stars | 3,262 forks | C#

  5. Cysharp / UniTask

    Provides an efficient allocation free async/await integration for Unity.

    4 stars today | 6,595 stars | 692 forks | C#

  6. jasontaylordev / CleanArchitecture

    Clean Architecture Solution Template for ASP.NET Core

    14 stars today | 14,445 stars | 3,151 forks | C#

  7. umbraco / Umbraco-CMS

    The simple, flexible and friendly ASP.NET CMS used by more than 730.000 websites

    0 stars today | 4,062 stars | 2,591 forks | C#

  8. dotnet / aspire

    An opinionated, cloud ready stack for building observable, production ready, distributed applications in .NET

    16 stars today | 2,092 stars | 130 forks | C#

  9. dotnet / runtime

    .NET is a cross-platform runtime for cloud, mobile, desktop, and IoT apps.

    8 stars today | 13,281 stars | 4,343 forks | C#

  10. microsoft / PowerPlatformConnectors

    This is a repository for Microsoft Power Automate, Power Apps, and Azure Logic Apps connectors

    0 stars today | 816 stars | 1,147 forks | C#

chuck20230613001[bot] commented 8 months ago

Trending repositories for Python

  1. damo-vilab / AnyDoor

    Official implementations for paper: Anydoor: zero-shot object-level image customization

    182 stars today | 2,311 stars | 197 forks | Python

  2. open-mmlab / Amphion

    Amphion (/æmˈfaɪən/) is a toolkit for Audio, Music, and Speech Generation. Its purpose is to support reproducible research and help junior researchers and engineers get started in the field of audio, music, and speech generation research and development.

    568 stars today | 1,964 stars | 228 forks | Python

  3. danswer-ai / danswer

    Ask Questions in natural language and get Answers backed by private sources. Connects to tools like Slack, GitHub, Confluence, etc.

    185 stars today | 5,272 stars | 536 forks | Python

  4. JoeanAmier / XHS-Downloader

    免费;轻量;开源,基于 AIOHTTP 模块实现的小红书图文 / 视频作品采集工具

    232 stars today | 1,424 stars | 193 forks | Python

  5. geekan / MetaGPT

    🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: Given one line Requirement, return PRD, Design, Tasks, Repo

    358 stars today | 32,168 stars | 3,831 forks | Python

  6. damo-vilab / i2vgen-xl

    Official repo for VGen: a holistic video generation ecosystem for video generation building on diffusion models

    128 stars today | 1,633 stars | 178 forks | Python

  7. public-apis / public-apis

    A collective list of free APIs

    108 stars today | 272,057 stars | 30,604 forks | Python

  8. gpt-engineer-org / gpt-engineer

    Specify what you want it to build, the AI asks for clarification, and then builds it.

    342 stars today | 47,211 stars | 7,712 forks | Python

  9. QwenLM / Qwen

    The official repo of Qwen (通义千问) chat & pretrained large language model proposed by Alibaba Cloud.

    44 stars today | 7,606 stars | 688 forks | Python

  10. RockChinQ / QChatGPT

    😎高稳定性、🧩支持插件、🌏实时联网的 ChatGPT QQ 机器人🤖 | 支持 ChatGPT、New Bing、Claude、Google Bard、Gemini Pro、gpt4free、One API 的 QQ 机器人平台

    15 stars today | 3,308 stars | 271 forks | Python

chuck20230613001[bot] commented 8 months ago

Trending repositories for JavaScript

  1. WhiskeySockets / Baileys

    Lightweight full-featured typescript/javascript WhatsApp Web API

    6 stars today | 1,832 stars | 716 forks | JavaScript

  2. exceljs / exceljs

    Excel Workbook Manager

    9 stars today | 12,336 stars | 1,601 forks | JavaScript

  3. modood / Administrative-divisions-of-China

    中华人民共和国行政区划:省级(省份)、 地级(城市)、 县级(区县)、 乡级(乡镇街道)、 村级(村委会居委会) ,中国省市区镇村二级三级四级五级联动地址数据。

    51 stars today | 16,861 stars | 6,942 forks | JavaScript

  4. facebook / lexical

    Lexical is an extensible text editor framework that provides excellent reliability, accessibility and performance.

    11 stars today | 16,252 stars | 1,333 forks | JavaScript

  5. MHSanaei / 3x-ui

    Xray panel supporting multi-protocol multi-user expire day & traffic & ip limit (Vmess & Vless & Trojan & ShadowSocks)

    14 stars today | 4,398 stars | 891 forks | JavaScript

  6. fabricjs / fabric.js

    Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser

    8 stars today | 26,506 stars | 3,428 forks | JavaScript

  7. microsoft / Web-Dev-For-Beginners

    24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer

    48 stars today | 78,796 stars | 12,153 forks | JavaScript

  8. bigskysoftware / htmx

    </> htmx - high power tools for HTML

    104 stars today | 25,172 stars | 915 forks | JavaScript

  9. projectdiscovery / nuclei-templates

    Community curated list of templates for the nuclei engine to find security vulnerabilities.

    3 stars today | 7,429 stars | 2,256 forks | JavaScript

  10. serverless / serverless

    ⚡ Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! –

    10 stars today | 45,448 stars | 5,773 forks | JavaScript