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GitHub Daily Top 10 @2024-04-02 #237

Open chuck20230613001[bot] opened 2 months ago

chuck20230613001[bot] commented 2 months ago

Trending repositories for C

  1. 2dust / v2rayN

    A GUI client for Windows, support Xray core and v2fly core and others

    54 stars today | 60,175 stars | 10,423 forks | C#

  2. btcpayserver / btcpayserver

    Accept Bitcoin payments. Free, open-source & self-hosted, Bitcoin payment processor.

    110 stars today | 5,971 stars | 1,531 forks | C#

  3. leiurayer / downkyi


    18 stars today | 18,652 stars | 2,093 forks | C#

  4. dotnet / roslyn

    The Roslyn .NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs.

    7 stars today | 18,423 stars | 3,925 forks | C#

  5. ppy / osu

    rhythm is just a click away!

    8 stars today | 14,179 stars | 2,104 forks | C#

  6. OpenRA / OpenRA

    Open Source real-time strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert written in C# using SDL and OpenGL. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X.

    8 stars today | 14,059 stars | 2,608 forks | C#

  7. jellyfin / jellyfin

    The Free Software Media System

    26 stars today | 29,205 stars | 2,716 forks | C#

  8. JustArchiNET / ArchiSteamFarm

    C# application with primary purpose of farming Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously.

    5 stars today | 10,566 stars | 1,019 forks | C#

  9. space-wizards / space-station-14

    A multiplayer game about paranoia and chaos on a space station. Remake of the cult-classic Space Station 13.

    5 stars today | 1,926 stars | 2,481 forks | C#

  10. stride3d / stride

    Stride Game Engine (formerly Xenko)

    2 stars today | 6,147 stars | 896 forks | C#

chuck20230613001[bot] commented 2 months ago

Trending repositories for Python

  1. Zejun-Yang / AniPortrait

    AniPortrait: Audio-Driven Synthesis of Photorealistic Portrait Animation

    345 stars today | 2,683 stars | 334 forks | Python

  2. MsLolita / grass


    8 stars today | 84 stars | 38 forks | Python

  3. TencentARC / BrushNet

    The official implementation of paper "BrushNet: A Plug-and-Play Image Inpainting Model with Decomposed Dual-Branch Diffusion"

    34 stars today | 510 stars | 47 forks | Python

  4. tiangolo / typer

    Typer, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints.

    265 stars today | 13,807 stars | 589 forks | Python

  5. sympy / sympy

    A computer algebra system written in pure Python

    6 stars today | 12,107 stars | 4,254 forks | Python

  6. donnemartin / system-design-primer

    Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.

    112 stars today | 250,179 stars | 42,896 forks | Python

  7. agiresearch / AIOS

    AIOS: LLM Agent Operating System

    387 stars today | 1,150 stars | 131 forks | Python

  8. harry0703 / MoneyPrinterTurbo

    利用AI大模型,一键生成高清短视频 Generate short videos with one click using AI LLM.

    512 stars today | 6,885 stars | 1,015 forks | Python

  9. xtekky / gpt4free

    The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models

    282 stars today | 55,854 stars | 12,724 forks | Python

  10. RVC-Project / Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI

    Voice data <= 10 mins can also be used to train a good VC model!

    145 stars today | 18,143 stars | 2,825 forks | Python

chuck20230613001[bot] commented 2 months ago

Trending repositories for JavaScript

  1. HeyPuter / puter

    🌐 The Internet OS! Free, Open-Source, and Self-Hostable!

    117 stars today | 11,183 stars | 611 forks | JavaScript

  2. gorhill / uBlock

    uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.

    22 stars today | 42,654 stars | 2,887 forks | JavaScript

  3. Koenkk / zigbee2mqtt

    Zigbee 🐝 to MQTT bridge 🌉, get rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges 🔨

    6 stars today | 10,987 stars | 1,576 forks | JavaScript

  4. MHSanaei / 3x-ui

    Xray panel supporting multi-protocol multi-user expire day & traffic & ip limit (Vmess & Vless & Trojan & ShadowSocks & Wireguard)

    30 stars today | 7,195 stars | 1,493 forks | JavaScript

  5. alyssaxuu / screenity

    The free and privacy-friendly screen recorder with no limits 🎥

    38 stars today | 9,462 stars | 777 forks | JavaScript

  6. CodeWithHarry / Sigma-Web-Dev-Course

    Source Code for Sigma Web Development Course

    14 stars today | 4,013 stars | 1,201 forks | JavaScript

  7. cmliu / WorkerVless2sub

    这个是一个将 Cloudflare Workers - VLESS 搭配 自建优选域名 的 订阅生成器

    16 stars today | 890 stars | 519 forks | JavaScript

  8. franceking1 / Flash-Md

    Feel free to use FLASH-MD, remember to STAR 🌟 The repo after forking

    13 stars today | 101 stars | 527 forks | JavaScript

  9. gchq / CyberChef

    The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis

    24 stars today | 25,131 stars | 2,906 forks | JavaScript

  10. anticensority / runet-censorship-bypass

    Chromium extension for bypassing censorship in Russia

    10 stars today | 1,452 stars | 51 forks | JavaScript