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GitHub Daily Top 10 @2023-09-24 #78

Open chuck20230613001[bot] opened 9 months ago

chuck20230613001[bot] commented 9 months ago

Trending repositories for C

  1. PowerShell / PowerShell

    PowerShell for every system!

    90 stars today | 40,794 stars | 7,549 forks | C#

  2. ChilliCream / graphql-platform

    Welcome to the home of the Hot Chocolate GraphQL server for .NET, the Strawberry Shake GraphQL client for .NET and Banana Cake Pop the awesome Monaco based GraphQL IDE.

    1 star today | 4,641 stars | 684 forks | C#

  3. Kyome22 / RunCat_for_windows

    A cute running cat animation on your windows taskbar.

    8 stars today | 5,164 stars | 522 forks | C#

  4. dotnet / aspnetcore

    ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux.

    11 stars today | 32,646 stars | 9,367 forks | C#

  5. microsoft / devhome

    Dev Home Experience

    3 stars today | 2,516 stars | 192 forks | C#

  6. danielgerlag / workflow-core

    Lightweight workflow engine for .NET Standard

    1 star today | 4,777 stars | 1,096 forks | C#

  7. dotnet / maui

    .NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.

    4 stars today | 19,681 stars | 1,362 forks | C#

  8. SlejmUr / PayCheck3

    PayDay 3 Server Emulator Attempt

    37 stars today | 110 stars | 8 forks | C#

  9. BornToBeRoot / NETworkManager

    A powerful tool for managing networks and troubleshoot network problems!

    9 stars today | 3,989 stars | 510 forks | C#

  10. Crypto137 / MHServerEmu

    A server emulator for Marvel Heroes

    3 stars today | 65 stars | 16 forks | C#

chuck20230613001[bot] commented 9 months ago

Trending repositories for Python

  1. pallets / flask

    The Python micro framework for building web applications.

    15 stars today | 64,289 stars | 15,909 forks | Python

  2. CorentinJ / Real-Time-Voice-Cloning

    Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time

    240 stars today | 46,236 stars | 8,110 forks | Python

  3. dgtlmoon /

    The best and simplest free open source website change detection, restock monitor and notification service. Restock Monitor, change detection. Designed for simplicity - Simply monitor which websites had a text change for free. Free Open source web page change detection, Website defacement monitoring, Price change and Price Drop notification

    34 stars today | 12,038 stars | 681 forks | Python

  4. python / mypy

    Optional static typing for Python

    49 stars today | 16,456 stars | 2,678 forks | Python

  5. InternLM / InternLM

    InternLM has open-sourced a 7 and 20 billion parameter base models and chat models tailored for practical scenarios and the training system.

    25 stars today | 3,022 stars | 250 forks | Python

  6. AntonOsika / gpt-engineer

    Specify what you want it to build, the AI asks for clarification, and then builds it.

    42 stars today | 43,461 stars | 7,193 forks | Python

  7. zhudotexe / kani

    kani (カニ) is a highly hackable microframework for chat-based language models with tool usage/function calling.

    72 stars today | 389 stars | 20 forks | Python

  8. google-deepmind / alphafold

    Open source code for AlphaFold.

    9 stars today | 10,767 stars | 1,925 forks | Python

  9. python-poetry / poetry

    Python packaging and dependency management made easy

    8 stars today | 26,654 stars | 2,079 forks | Python

  10. ansible / ansible

    Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to cloud management, in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.

    12 stars today | 58,639 stars | 23,692 forks | Python

chuck20230613001[bot] commented 9 months ago

Trending repositories for JavaScript

  1. vercel / next.js

    The React Framework

    114 stars today | 112,190 stars | 24,778 forks | JavaScript

  2. antonioru / beautiful-react-hooks

    🔥 A collection of beautiful and (hopefully) useful React hooks to speed-up your components and hooks development 🔥

    6 stars today | 7,074 stars | 505 forks | JavaScript

  3. nolimits4web / swiper

    Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions

    78 stars today | 36,662 stars | 9,782 forks | JavaScript

  4. GitSquared / edex-ui

    A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.

    20 stars today | 38,321 stars | 2,366 forks | JavaScript

  5. sunlabuiuc / TextbookKG

    Knowledge Graph Generation for Any PDFs

    14 stars today | 73 stars | 13 forks | JavaScript

  6. sudheerj / javascript-interview-questions

    List of 1000 JavaScript Interview Questions

    14 stars today | 17,927 stars | 5,194 forks | JavaScript

  7. jaywcjlove / awesome-mac

     Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.

    34 stars today | 63,671 stars | 5,969 forks | JavaScript

  8. sveltejs / svelte

    Cybernetically enhanced web apps

    27 stars today | 72,724 stars | 4,020 forks | JavaScript

  9. google / blockly-samples

    Plugins, codelabs, and examples related to the Blockly library.

    3 stars today | 714 stars | 560 forks | JavaScript

  10. OAI / OpenAPI-Specification

    The OpenAPI Specification Repository

    3 stars today | 27,134 stars | 9,168 forks | JavaScript