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GitHub Daily Top 10 @2023-10-28 #98

Open chuck20230613001[bot] opened 8 months ago

chuck20230613001[bot] commented 8 months ago

Trending repositories for C

  1. AvaloniaUI / Avalonia

    Develop Desktop, Embedded, Mobile and WebAssembly apps with C# and XAML. The most popular .NET Foundation community project.

    19 stars today | 20,064 stars | 1,688 forks | C#

  2. OdysseusYuan / LKY_OfficeTools

    一键自动化 下载、安装、激活 Office 的利器。

    11 stars today | 3,553 stars | 305 forks | C#

  3. Cysharp / UniTask

    Provides an efficient allocation free async/await integration for Unity.

    7 stars today | 6,312 stars | 663 forks | C#

  4. inkle / ink

    inkle's open source scripting language for writing interactive narrative.

    8 stars today | 3,713 stars | 465 forks | C#

  5. dotnet / maui

    .NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.

    8 stars today | 20,100 stars | 1,399 forks | C#

  6. ppy / osu

    rhythm is just a click away!

    10 stars today | 13,078 stars | 1,998 forks | C#

  7. microsoft / semantic-kernel

    Integrate cutting-edge LLM technology quickly and easily into your apps

    25 stars today | 14,016 stars | 2,046 forks | C#

  8. dotnet / aspnetcore

    ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux.

    8 stars today | 32,888 stars | 9,438 forks | C#

  9. Unity-Technologies / ml-agents

    The Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit (ML-Agents) is an open-source project that enables games and simulations to serve as environments for training intelligent agents using deep reinforcement learning and imitation learning.

    10 stars today | 15,539 stars | 3,977 forks | C#

  10. microsoft / microsoft-ui-xaml

    Windows UI Library: the latest Windows 10 native controls and Fluent styles for your applications

    8 stars today | 5,787 stars | 656 forks | C#

chuck20230613001[bot] commented 8 months ago

Trending repositories for Python

  1. psf / black

    The uncompromising Python code formatter

    105 stars today | 34,769 stars | 2,289 forks | Python

  2. xlang-ai / OpenAgents

    OpenAgents: An Open Platform for Language Agents in the Wild

    204 stars today | 1,913 stars | 138 forks | Python

  3. public-apis / public-apis

    A collective list of free APIs

    529 stars today | 262,447 stars | 29,718 forks | Python

  4. donnemartin / system-design-primer

    Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.

    105 stars today | 232,555 stars | 40,873 forks | Python

  5. SUDO-AI-3D / zero123plus

    Code repository for Zero123++: a Single Image to Consistent Multi-view Diffusion Base Model.

    217 stars today | 750 stars | 44 forks | Python

  6. docker / genai-stack

    Langchain + Docker + Neo4j + Ollama

    104 stars today | 1,094 stars | 183 forks | Python

  7. dagster-io / dagster

    An orchestration platform for the development, production, and observation of data assets.

    11 stars today | 8,734 stars | 1,082 forks | Python

  8. bentoml / OpenLLM

    Operating LLMs in production

    9 stars today | 6,448 stars | 443 forks | Python

  9. eosphoros-ai / DB-GPT

    Revolutionizing Database Interactions with Private LLM Technology

    43 stars today | 7,695 stars | 1,095 forks | Python

  10. bytedance / SALMONN

    SALMONN: Speech Audio Language Music Open Neural Network

    29 stars today | 504 stars | 27 forks | Python

chuck20230613001[bot] commented 8 months ago

Trending repositories for JavaScript

  1. vercel / next.js

    The React Framework

    122 stars today | 113,777 stars | 25,046 forks | JavaScript

  2. OpenZeppelin / openzeppelin-contracts

    OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development.

    7 stars today | 23,116 stars | 11,631 forks | JavaScript

  3. DevCaress / guia-entrevistas-de-programacion

    67 stars today | 353 stars | 51 forks | JavaScript

  4. swagger-api / swagger-ui

    Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.

    10 stars today | 24,680 stars | 8,809 forks | JavaScript

  5. mrdoob / three.js

    JavaScript 3D Library.

    19 stars today | 95,253 stars | 35,100 forks | JavaScript

  6. Mintplex-Labs / anything-llm

    A full-stack application that turns any documents into an intelligent chatbot with a sleek UI and easier way to manage your workspaces.

    27 stars today | 2,559 stars | 340 forks | JavaScript

  7. xenova / transformers.js

    State-of-the-art Machine Learning for the web. Run 🤗 Transformers directly in your browser, with no need for a server!

    88 stars today | 4,028 stars | 224 forks | JavaScript

  8. ryanmcdermott / clean-code-javascript

    🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript

    59 stars today | 86,482 stars | 11,735 forks | JavaScript

  9. academind / react-complete-guide-course-resources

    React - The Complete Guide Course Resources (Code, Attachments, Slides)

    6 stars today | 49 stars | 35 forks | JavaScript

  10. MonsterNone / tmall-miao


    26 stars today | 3,792 stars | 513 forks | JavaScript