Closed ChuckJonas closed 6 years ago
This could easily be achieved using ES6 proxies, but that would make the library incompatible with IE11 (does it even work in the first place?).
We would just need to update the constructor similar to this:
export class Account extends RestObject implements AccountFields {
constructor (fields?: AccountFields) {
Object.assign(this, fields);
return new Proxy(this, {
set: (obj, key, value) => {
obj[key] = value;
if (typeof key === 'string') {
let decorator = getSFieldProps(obj, key);
if (decorator) {
return true;
The other option, which isn't as clean but would support IE11, would be to replace the properties with getters and setters. The setter would track modified.
fixed in 2.0
Right now this library is very susceptible to causing "stale in memory" overwrites.
let acc = (await Account.Retrieve(
SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id = 'abc123'))[0]
2: Open salesforce and update the name of account abc123 3:acc.update()
Even though you never specified any changes on the account, since we selected the
field, it will cause your change from step 2 to get overwritten!