ChuckkNorris / ng2-bootstrap-grid

Angular 2 library for integrating only the grid features of the bootstrap library in your application
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Why did you comment out Column sm, md, lg directives? #3

Open choruspapa opened 6 years ago

choruspapa commented 6 years ago

I found those directives commented out on ng2-bootstrap-grid.module.ts file. You can see below line at 20, 28 line //ColSmDirective, ColMdDirective, ColLgDirective

It causes build task to be fail with AOT option, throwing errors like this

ERROR in Cannot determine the module for class ColSmDirective in /Users/yonghohwang/Project/node/pickprod/node_modules/ng2-bootstrap-grid/src/columns.directive.ts! Add ColSmDirective to the NgModule to fix it. Cannot determine the module for class ColMdDirective in /Users/yonghohwang/Project/node/pickprod/node_modules/ng2-bootstrap-grid/src/columns.directive.ts! Add ColMdDirective to the NgModule to fix it. Cannot determine the module for class ColLgDirective in /Users/yonghohwang/Project/node/pickprod/node_modules/ng2-bootstrap-grid/src/columns.directive.ts! Add ColLgDirective to the NgModule to fix it.

So, I uncommented those lines of ng2-bootstrap-grid.module.ts file under node_modules directory. And then build process can be finished successfully. But I cannot sure that is correct solution for aot build.

Could you tell me what is wrong? I'll appreciates any comments to me. Thanks.

ChuckkNorris commented 6 years ago

Hey @choruspapa - Haven't had time to work on this library. I originally built it for Angular 2.0, but some changes in Angular 4 broke it.

I commented out that code while I was trying to upgrade compatibility for Angular 4 and running into issues.

So, for now, this library is incompatible with Angular 4.x - you're welcome to try upgrading it. Since I built this library, the Angular team has released the Angular Flex layout which I've enjoyed using so I haven't found a reason to update the library.

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I recommend it, but think it could be improved with more concise syntax.