Chukobyte / star-bot

A repo that will star all repositories of a user who has starred this one
MIT License
8 stars 0 forks source link

Fix issues running into github rest api limits #1

Open arthurauffray opened 2 weeks ago

arthurauffray commented 2 weeks ago

I like the idea of this project, but I've starred a few days ago and still not received any stars back!

Chukobyte commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @arthurauffray thanks for starring the repo. I've ran into github api limits that is preventing the bot giving out more stars. I would like to take steps to limit the amount of requests such as setting up webhooks when starred instead of polling, but I'm not sure when that will happen. In the mean time, I've made star bot star your repos manually.

arthurauffray commented 2 weeks ago

Ah I see, no worries and thanks. How often are you checking for new stars?