Chung-I / Variational-Recurrent-Autoencoder-Tensorflow

A tensorflow implementation of "Generating Sentences from a Continuous Space"
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I'm sorry to trouble you...can you update the code with the version1.0 of tf or tell me what should be changed #6

Open tuanshanyou opened 7 years ago

suzil commented 7 years ago

There's a script that will auto-upgrade code to TF 1.0 included in the TF repo:

superMDguy commented 7 years ago

I ran the auto-upgrade script, and it fixed some issues, but there were still a few manual changes I had to make before I got it working with the latest tensorflow. @tuanshanyou if you still need it, I can fork it and push my version

eyaler commented 6 years ago

@superMDguy would be happy to get that fork!

superMDguy commented 6 years ago

Ok, I'll get it ready to push. I also added support for loading pretrained GloVe word vectors. Do you want me to keep that code in or take it out?

eyaler commented 6 years ago

sounds awesome!

superMDguy commented 6 years ago

Here it is:

I did a lot of cleanup as well to remove old references to "en" and "fr" vocab. If you have any problems with it, feel free to create an issue on the repo.

eyaler commented 6 years ago

@superMDguy could not create an issue on your repo... any chance you can add minimal sample files needed to run the usage examples?

superMDguy commented 6 years ago

For the GloVe embeddings? Or input.txt/output.txt? Also, I enabled issues, don't know why they were disabled before.