ChurchCRM / CRM

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Cannot register Kiosk #4431

Open ChurchCRMBugReport opened 5 years ago

ChurchCRMBugReport commented 5 years ago

When I attempt to register a kiosk (turn on new kiosk registraion, visit the proper website during the timer), I get, on the kiosk device, 'This kiosk has not been accepted'. However, on the kiosk manager page, it merely says 'loading...' under the table.

in Developer tools in chrome, I see this error repeating over and over agin:

"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'futureEvents' of undefined at renderKioskAssignment (KioskManager.php:739) at render (KioskManager.php:832) at jquery.dataTables.min.js:16 at Object.b.fnGetData (jquery.dataTables.min.js:9) at x (jquery.dataTables.min.js:14) at Ja (jquery.dataTables.min.js:21) at K (jquery.dataTables.min.js:14) at jquery.dataTables.min.js:45 at i (jquery.dataTables.min.js:32) at Object.success (jquery.dataTables.min.js:32)"

Collected Value Title Data
Page Name /members/KioskManager.php
Screen Size 768x1366
Window Size 662x1366
Page Size 931x1366
Platform Information Windows NT DESKTOP-PGSH4HQ 6.2 build 9200 (Windows 8 Home Premium Edition) i586
PHP Version 7.0.3
SQL Version 5.7.11
ChurchCRM Version 3.0.7
Reporting Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.87 Safari/537.36
Prerequisite Status All Prerequisites met
Integrity check status {"status":"success"}
Apache Modules core,mod_win32,mpm_winnt,http_core,mod_so,mod_access_compat,mod_alias,mod_allowmethods,mod_asis,mod_auth_basic,mod_authn_core,mod_authn_file,mod_authz_core,mod_authz_groupfile,mod_authz_host,mod_authz_user,mod_autoindex,mod_cgi,mod_dir,mod_env,mod_include,mod_isapi,mod_log_config,mod_mime,mod_negotiation,mod_rewrite,mod_setenvif,mod_socache_shmcb,mod_ssl,mod_status,mod_php7
eaglesonj commented 5 years ago

This is a duplicate of #4371 , I believe

eaglesonj commented 5 years ago

The little bit of troubleshooting I did.

If I add a line like so....{ 'futureEvents' : "" };

.... into skin/js/CRMJSOM.js (to create the CRM object 'events' and 'futureEvents', and then add a CRM.APIRequest to poll the path 'events' under a document.ready in kioskmanager.php, and stashing the answered data under, it will successfully populate the dates into the dropdown list in the kiosk report, with no errors. It doesn't differentiate future vs past, however.

Pulling up the kiosk page on the device simply yields the name of the event, with a blank Start Time: field and End Time: field, and no other options.

I hope that was slightly helpful!

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 5 days ago

This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 5 days.