Chutanee /

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CreateMenu #4

Open Chutanee opened 3 years ago

Chutanee commented 3 years ago

//Use light theme. cfg.Light

//Called when application is started. function OnStart() {
//Create a layout with objects vertically centered. lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ) lay.SetChildMargins( 0,0.02,0,0.02 )

//Add some text.
txt = app.AddText( lay, "Light Theme" )
txt.SetTextSize( 16 )

//Create tabs.
tabs = app.CreateTabs( "CONTROLS,DIALOGS,LISTS", 0.95, 0.8, "VCenter,Fade" )
tabs.SetOnChange( tabs_OnChange ) 
tabCtrl = tabs.GetLayout( "CONTROLS" )
tabCtrl.SetChildMargins( 0,0.03,0,0 )
tabDlg = tabs.GetLayout( "DIALOGS" )
tabDlg.SetChildMargins( 0,0.04,0,0 )
tabLst = tabs.GetLayout( "LISTS" )
lay.AddChild( tabs ) 

//--- CONTROLS ---------

//Add a buttons.
btn = app.AddButton( tabCtrl, "Button" )
tgl = app.AddToggle( tabCtrl, "Toggle" )
tgl = app.AddToggle( tabCtrl, "Toggle", -1,-1, "Vertical" )
swi = app.AddSwitch( tabCtrl, "Switch" )
chk = app.AddCheckBox( tabCtrl, "Check Box" )

//Add a text edit box.
edt = app.AddTextEdit( tabCtrl, "", 0.6 )
edt.SetHint( "text edit" )

//Add some text.
txt = app.AddText( tabCtrl, "Seek Bar" )
txt.SetMargins( 0,0.02,0,0 )

//Add a seek bar.
skb = app.AddSeekBar( tabCtrl, 0.7 )
skb.SetRange( 1.0 )
skb.SetValue( 0.5 )

//--- DIALOGS ----------

//Add a Custom Dialog button.
btnCust = app.AddButton( tabDlg, "Custom", 0.3 )
btnCust.SetOnTouch( CustomDialog )

//Add an YesNo Dialog button.
btn = app.AddButton( tabDlg, "YesNo", 0.3 )
btn.SetOnTouch( YesNoDialog )

//Add an Alert button.
btn = app.AddButton( tabDlg, "Alert", 0.3 )
btn.SetOnTouch( AlertDialog )

//Add a List Dialog button.
btn = app.AddButton( tabDlg, "List", 0.3 )
btn.SetOnTouch( ListDialog )

//Add a CheckList Dialog button.
btn = app.AddButton( tabDlg, "CheckList", 0.3 )
btn.SetOnTouch( CheckListDialog )

//--- LISTS ------------

//Add a list box.
lst = app.AddList( tabLst, "Fred,Bill,Jim,Anne,Jane", 0.6 )

//Add layout to app.    
app.AddLayout( lay )


//Handle tab selection. function tabs_OnChange( name ) { console.log( "TAB=" + name ) }

//Show a custom dialog with current theme. function CustomDialog() { dlg = app.CreateDialog( "Custom Dialog" ) layDlg = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "vertical,fillxy,center" ) dlg.AddLayout( layDlg ) txt = app.CreateText( "Hello World", 0.6 ) txt.SetMargins( 0, 0.02, 0, 0.02 ) layDlg.AddChild( txt ) lst = app.CreateList( "Fred,Bill,Jim", 0.8 ) lst.SetMargins( 0, 0.02, 0, 0.02 ) layDlg.AddChild( lst ) edt = app.CreateTextEdit( "Hello World", 0.6 ) edt.SetMargins( 0, 0.02, 0, 0.04 ) layDlg.AddChild( edt ) dlg.Show() }

//Show a list dialog with current theme. function ListDialog() { dlg = app.CreateListDialog( "My Title", "Apples,Oranges,Bananas" ) dlg.Show() }

//Show a chlist dialog with current theme. function CheckListDialog() { var lst = [{title:"Sheep",check:true},{title:"Cows",check:false}, {title:"Pigs",check:true}, {title:"Goats",check:true}]; app.ShowCheckList( "Select Animals", lst ) }

//Show an Alert dialog with current theme. function AlertDialog() { app.Alert( "Hi", "My Title" ) }

//Show a Yes/No dialog with current theme. function YesNoDialog() { dlg = app.CreateYesNoDialog( "Are you sure?" ) dlg.Show() }