Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago
oAuthHandlePIN does not work and cannot get access token using twitcurl no
Original comment by
on 11 May 2015 at 2:50
I was able to fix this issue in my version of TwitCurl, if you are interested
in the solution, and have the ability to make the necessary changes to TwitCURL
in your project.
The changes involve editing the TwitCURLs.h header to update the constant that
determines the END tag for the TOKENS as mentioned above.
The second edit needs to be done toe the TwitCURL.cpp source code, specifically
the function bool
twitCurl::oAuthHandlePIN( const std::string& authorizeUrl )
We need to add cookie handling into this function in order to pass through a
twitter session cookie value that Twitter apparently requires now.
struct curl_slist* pCookieList = NULL;
curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_COOKIELIST, &pCookieList);
before the initial URL submission then after we get the page that has the
authenticity token and the oAuthTokenVal we retrieve the cookie list.
curl_easy_getinfo( m_curlHandle, CURLINFO_COOKIELIST, &pCookieList );
then after the authenticityToken and oauthTokenVal have been extracted from the
resulting page. We need to add the cookie list into the POST that includes the
username and passowrd.
curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_COOKIELIST, &pCookieList);
Doing this I am able to login as the user and retrieve the PIN in order to
authorize my application for this user.
Original comment by
on 11 May 2015 at 2:09
We have also problem with the oAuthHandlePIN. Suddenly it does not work anymore., can you post more details about your solution? I am not
sure where to put your lines of code to make it work. If you write done the
line numbers (based on line numbers here):
or post the whole updated method that would be helpful.
Original comment by
on 19 May 2015 at 5:25
Sure like I said there are two files in the twitCURL project that need to be
updated. The changes that need to be made to twitcurlurls.h is pretty simple so
I want bother with that.
This is the new version of oAuthPINHandle that works for me, compare it to the
original to see which changes I made:
bool twitCurl::oAuthHandlePIN( const std::string& authorizeUrl /* in */ )
/* Return if cURL is not initialized */
if( !isCurlInit() )
return false;
std::string dataStr;
std::string oAuthHttpHeader;
std::string authenticityTokenVal;
std::string oauthTokenVal;
std::string pinCodeVal;
unsigned long httpStatusCode = 0;
size_t nPosStart, nPosEnd;
struct curl_slist* pOAuthHeaderList = NULL;
//-- ADDED by cesareof for cookie handling
struct curl_slist* pCookieList = NULL;
/* Prepare standard params */
/* Set OAuth header */
m_oAuth.getOAuthHeader( eOAuthHttpGet, authorizeUrl, dataStr, oAuthHttpHeader );
if( oAuthHttpHeader.length() )
pOAuthHeaderList = curl_slist_append( pOAuthHeaderList, oAuthHttpHeader.c_str() );
if( pOAuthHeaderList )
curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, pOAuthHeaderList );
/* Set http request and url */
curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, authorizeUrl.c_str() );
//-- ADDED by cesareof for cookie handling
curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_COOKIELIST, &pCookieList);
/* Send http request */
if( CURLE_OK == curl_easy_perform( m_curlHandle ) )
if( pOAuthHeaderList )
curl_easy_getinfo( m_curlHandle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE, &httpStatusCode );
curl_slist_free_all( pOAuthHeaderList );
// Now, let's find the authenticity token and oauth token
nPosStart = m_callbackData.find( oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_AUTHENTICITY_TOKEN_TWITTER_RESP_KEY );
if( std::string::npos == nPosStart )
return false;
nPosEnd = m_callbackData.substr( nPosStart ).find( oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_TOKEN_END_TAG_TWITTER_RESP )
if( std::string::npos == nPosEnd )
return false;
authenticityTokenVal = m_callbackData.substr( nPosStart, nPosEnd );
nPosStart = m_callbackData.find( oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_TOKEN_TWITTER_RESP_KEY );
if( std::string::npos == nPosStart )
return false;
nPosStart += oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_TOKEN_TWITTER_RESP_KEY.length();
nPosEnd = m_callbackData.substr( nPosStart ).find( oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_TOKEN_END_TAG_TWITTER_RESP );
if( std::string::npos == nPosEnd )
return false;
oauthTokenVal = m_callbackData.substr( nPosStart, nPosEnd );
//-- ADDED by cesareof for cookie handling
curl_easy_getinfo( m_curlHandle, CURLINFO_COOKIELIST, &pCookieList );
else if( pOAuthHeaderList )
curl_slist_free_all( pOAuthHeaderList );
return false;
// Second phase for the authorization
pOAuthHeaderList = NULL;
/* Prepare standard params */
Now, we need to make a data string for POST operation
which includes oauth token, authenticity token, username, password.
dataStr = oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_AUTHENTICITY_TOKEN_KEY + "=" + authenticityTokenVal + "&" +
oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_REDIRECT_AFTER_LOGIN + "="+ authorizeUrl.c_str() + "&" +
oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_TOKEN_KEY + "=" + oauthTokenVal + "&" +
oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_SESSIONUSERNAME_KEY + "=" + getTwitterUsername() + "&" +
oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_SESSIONPASSWORD_KEY + "=" + getTwitterPassword();
/* Set OAuth header */
m_oAuth.getOAuthHeader( eOAuthHttpPost, authorizeUrl, dataStr, oAuthHttpHeader );
if( oAuthHttpHeader.length() )
pOAuthHeaderList = curl_slist_append( pOAuthHeaderList, oAuthHttpHeader.c_str() );
if( pOAuthHeaderList )
curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, pOAuthHeaderList );
/* Set http request and url */
curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_POST, 1 );
curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, authorizeUrl.c_str() );
curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS, dataStr.c_str() );
//-- ADDED by cesareof for cookie handling
curl_easy_setopt( m_curlHandle, CURLOPT_COOKIELIST, &pCookieList);
/* Send http request */
if( CURLE_OK == curl_easy_perform( m_curlHandle ) )
if( pOAuthHeaderList )
curl_easy_getinfo( m_curlHandle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE, &httpStatusCode );
curl_slist_free_all( pOAuthHeaderList );
// Now, let's find the PIN CODE
nPosStart = m_callbackData.find( oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_PIN_TWITTER_RESP_KEY );
if( std::string::npos == nPosStart )
return false;
nPosStart += oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_PIN_TWITTER_RESP_KEY.length();
nPosEnd = m_callbackData.substr( nPosStart ).find( oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_PIN_END_TAG_TWITTER_RESP );
if( std::string::npos == nPosEnd )
return false;
pinCodeVal = m_callbackData.substr( nPosStart, nPosEnd );
getOAuth().setOAuthPin( pinCodeVal );
return true;
else if( pOAuthHeaderList )
curl_slist_free_all( pOAuthHeaderList );
//-- ADDED by cesareof for cookie handling
if( pCookieList )
curl_slist_free_all( pCookieList );
return false;
Original comment by
on 19 May 2015 at 5:34,
Thank you for source code. It worked fine. Now Twitter work for us again. :)
However, there was a minor change I needed to do to make in the header file to
make it work. I needed to use this line in the header file:
const std::string OAUTHLIB_TOKEN_END_TAG_TWITTER_RESP = "\">";
instead of
const std::string OAUTHLIB_TOKEN_END_TAG_TWITTER_RESP = "\"/>";
I needed to remove the slash in the string, otherwise the end tag was not
found. I don't know why, but this is something to be aware of.
Original comment by
on 19 May 2015 at 6:55
You're welcome. That is the minor change I was referring to in Twitcurlurls.h I
realize now I left the / in the comment, but you are correct the value should
const std::string OAUTHLIB_TOKEN_END_TAG_TWITTER_RESP = "\" />";
const std::string OAUTHLIB_TOKEN_END_TAG_TWITTER_RESP = "\">";
Probably why it is better to just copy and paste from my code then try and
remember and retype what I did.
Original comment by
on 19 May 2015 at 7:03
Attempting to rebuild the above function (oAuthHandlePIN) using the provided
code resulted in a build error referencing an unknown constant:
oAuthLibDefaults::OAUTHLIB_REDIRECT_AFTER_LOGIN, which is undefined in my
twitcurls.h header. What should that value be? Thanks!
Original comment by
on 6 Jun 2015 at 8:41
In my version of twitcurlurls.h there is this value in:
namespace oAuthLibDefaults
const std::string OAUTHLIB_REDIRECT_AFTER_LOGIN = "redirect_after_login";
It is just the key for the redirect tag, not sure if it is necessary in the
form submission but if you need to you can add it.
Original comment by
on 8 Jun 2015 at 2:10
Original issue reported on by
on 8 Apr 2015 at 2:35