Chysn / O_C-HemisphereSuite

Hemisphere Suite is alternate-alternate firmware for Ornament and Crime, featuring a dual-applet framework with dozens of different modular functions.
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Feature Inquiry: ShiftGate Normaling #38

Closed clayton-grey closed 5 years ago

clayton-grey commented 5 years ago

Firstly, since discovering ShiftGate, I love it. It's tremendously useful!

Is it possible to internally normal the first channel's output to the second channel's input in code (A > C2, C > C4)? I'm doing this with stack cables now, and I'd love to save some cables and clutter. A pattern based on the other pattern is really useful to me, so mostly I'm curious if it's possible with the code and hardware as is (even if it's not something that goes into general release)?

Chysn commented 5 years ago

It's possible, of course. Personally, I don't think that using a patch cable is enough of a hardship to introduce a new interface element, but that's why this is an open-source project.

Chysn commented 5 years ago

I notice that you've contributed on development projects, so you can probably handle this. But if you'd like to contact me at my email address (from my GitHub profile), I'd be happy to give you any necessary guidance.