CiFor / DayZ_Sahrani

DayZ Sahrani Mod Development
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Permissions - Dean MUTHER FUCKING ROCKET Hall #101

Open NonovUrbizniz opened 10 years ago

NonovUrbizniz commented 10 years ago

[11:08:43 AM] Nonov Urbizniz: Hi Rocket, I'd like to add you as a contact. Nonov Urbizniz Just had some direct Q's for you, feel free to ignore if you want [11:09:07 AM] * Rocket has shared contact details with Nonov Urbizniz. * [11:13:32 AM] Nonov Urbizniz: I'm really only curious as to why the "legacy" files can't be modded, and if we (DayZ Sahrani specifically or External Mods in general) could get an exception to that.

I've asked Ota at BI and he seems to be fine with any/all mods to DayZ Code, but I want to be sure I'm not "going rogue" in any way shape or form.. Sahrnai as a group work VERY closely with any and all authors and IP owners before ever using their content, You are the only author I have had not had previous direct contact with.

Side note - Big fan your work re-invigorated my love for gaming in a way I will never be able to verbalize properly. [11:13:35 AM] * Rocket has shared contact details with Nonov Urbizniz. * [11:17:56 AM] Rocket: some of the content of the pbo is purchased [11:18:12 AM] Rocket: that license requires it to only be used for the project it was purchased for and not made widely accessable [11:19:43 AM] Nonov Urbizniz: oi, I kind of figured it was something like that... [11:20:45 AM] Nonov Urbizniz: Is there any chance of you putting me in contact with that author? or specifying Exactly what isn't/can't be modified. [11:21:17 AM] Rocket: nope, i dont have those details handy [11:21:20 AM] Rocket: they'll all be archived [11:21:36 AM] Rocket: i dont even know the structure of the dayz.pbo or the license details any more [11:21:45 AM] Rocket: razor knows what can/can't be done [11:22:02 AM] Nonov Urbizniz: If I figure it out do I have your ok? I'm pretty good at digging up permissions [11:22:36 AM] Nonov Urbizniz: well I guess, we technically already do have yours right? it's just the content you can't speak for you've left "do not touch" [11:22:49 AM] Rocket: Bohemia own all the dayz stuff [11:23:02 AM] Nonov Urbizniz: they've told me go ahead and mod whatever just mention they own it [11:23:58 AM] Rocket: well, there you go [11:24:12 AM] Rocket: but i can't/don't give out any approvals for the mod [11:24:21 AM] Rocket: beyond requiring approval for published changelogs