CiFor / DayZ_Sahrani

DayZ Sahrani Mod Development
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Seven's Super Happy cleanup list #108

Closed NonovUrbizniz closed 10 years ago

NonovUrbizniz commented 10 years ago

Vilas Weapon Configs

Storage Crafting - MOVE GEAR MENU (up) OR HINTS (down)

NonovUrbizniz commented 10 years ago

Billboards would also be cool, but again, either way I've got to push SOMETHING to dayz commander at 4 or 5 pm EST today. Can't keep floundering like this.

Cookiezzz commented 10 years ago

Box Storage - Says needs 3 and 6 only takes 3 wood + 2 nails leaves 4 nails in inventory - FIXED Gunrack - Recipe says 3 and 3 only takes 3 wood + 2 nails? Leaves 1 nails in inventory - FIXED

Hope ya don't mind :)