CiFor / DayZ_Sahrani

DayZ Sahrani Mod Development
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Humanity System - Completely Re-worked #65

Open NonovUrbizniz opened 11 years ago

NonovUrbizniz commented 11 years ago

IF MURDER Two Major influencing factors on Murderer, Victim, and 3rd Parties who Act on Corpses per Issue #57

  1. Victim Grief or Forgiveness
  2. Subsequent treatment of the corpse Issue #57 by the murderer, the victim, or 3rd parties
    • [ ] 4 Types of Players
    • Unarmed Victim = UVic
    • Armed Victim = AVic
    • Murderer = Mrdr
    • 3rd Party = 3rdP
    • [ ] All Victims get 2 Options at "You Are Dead" Screen "Grieve or Forgive"
    • Grieve = Grev
    • Forgive = Frgv
    • [ ] Grieve and Forgive affect
    • All Players who Act on Corpse
    • UVic
    • AVic
    • Mrdr
    • [ ] Factors
    • Victim Factor = VicF (Whether Victim has Grieved the murder or Forgiven)
    • Treatment of Corpse Factor = ToCF (Bury, Burn, Loot, or Ignore)
    • Final Humanity Factor= FiHu

Formulas and Rules:

If victim grieves:

Opposite of Desired Humanity for Murderer and Victim, 3rd party unaffected

Ex: Armed Victim Forgives then Murderer: Burns the body = Reduces Humanity Lost to the Murder (Reduction Multiplier) Bury the body = Increases Humanity Gain to Murderer Ignores the body = Reduces Humanity Lost to Murders

NonovUrbizniz commented 11 years ago

WIP Thoughts

Humanity Levels:

Physical Health Levels:

Mental Health Levels: