CiFor / DayZ_Sahrani

DayZ Sahrani Mod Development
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Bug Fix - Machete will not pick up and has no name #85

Open NonovUrbizniz opened 10 years ago

Gezzunder commented 10 years ago

Looks like the class entry is missing for it.

class MeleeMachete: MeleeHatchet { scope=2; autoreload=1; magazineReloadTime=0; model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\machete_weaponized.p3d"; picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_machete_CA.paa"; displayName="Machete"; magazines[]= { "Machete_Swing" }; class ItemActions { class Toolbelt { text="Add to Toolbelt"; script="spawn player_addToolbelt;"; use[]= { "MeleeMachete" }; output[]= { "ItemMachete" }; }; class Drop { text="Drop Machete"; script="spawn player_dropWeapon;"; use[]= { "Machete_Swing" }; }; }; class Library { libTextDesc=""; }; descriptionShort="An agricultural tool turned into a weapon, the Machete may be less versatile than the common hatchet, but it packs a punch."; };
class ItemMachete: ItemCore { scope=2; displayName="Machete"; model="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\machete.p3d"; picture="\z\addons\dayz_communityassets\pictures\equip_machete_CA.paa"; descriptionShort="An agricultural tool turned into a weapon, the Machete may be less versatile than the common hatchet, but it packs a punch."; class ItemActions { class Toolbelt { text="Remove from Toolbelt"; script="spawn player_addToolbelt;"; use[]= { "ItemMachete" }; output[]= { "MeleeMachete" }; }; }; };