CiNcH83 / bravia_atv2

BRAVIA Android TV Knowledge Base
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Info Banner pop-up sporadicly if Bravia Sync enabled and HDMI ARC device is connected #100

Closed GREMeZ closed 3 years ago

GREMeZ commented 3 years ago

Info Banner appears randomly without any oblivious pattern when an AVR or soundbar is connected to ARC port and HDMI CEC is enabled on TV. Resolution, colorspace, framerate, ect. remain unchanged

XF90 Firmware 6.7140 Temporary workaround - turn off the Info Banner for good

CiNcH83 commented 3 years ago

It does not happen with the following setup:

 __________________          ____________
| BRAVIA     HDMI1 |_       |            |
| XF9005     HDMI2 |________| AppleTV 4K |
|        HDMI3/ARC |____    |____________|
|            HDMI4 |_   |    ____________
|__________________|    |___|            |
                            |  Soundbar  |

I think it mainly happens when you connect the playback device through the soundbar/AVR.

CiNcH83 commented 3 years ago

Can you elaborate on your exact setup?

sky4055 commented 3 years ago

same issue here :

CiNcH83 commented 3 years ago


Please provide further information on the involved devices and how they are interconnected.