CiNcH83 / bravia_atv2

BRAVIA Android TV Knowledge Base
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No guide update in standby if Auto Service Update disabled #14

Open CiNcH83 opened 5 years ago

CiNcH83 commented 5 years ago

Disabling Auto Service Update results in the TV Guide (EPG) not being updated anymore in standby, even though Update Guide in standby is enabled. EPG only updates for channels (or actually frequencies/transponders) that are manually tuned inside the DTV player.

As soon as I enable Auto Service Update , the TV Guide is also updated in standby again. So several settings seem to somehow correlate which makes the whole system hardly predictable. Auto Service Update can lead to all kinds of issues (see #15). So I want that to be disabled while keeping the guide updating in standby.

Note that this is not a problem everywhere. EPG is usually transmitted on a per transponder/frequency basis. So if you tune into a channel, you will receive EPG for this very channel and channels on the same frequency/transponder, but not for channels on other frequencies/transponders, hence the update in standby which does nothing but a scan over all frequencies/transponders. This is different in the U.K. for Freeview/Freesat, where you always receive EPG data for all channels. So if you just tune into one channel, you receive EPG data for the complete network. You are the lucky ones, as you have a complete guide even if the update in standby (EPG scan) does not work.