CiNcH83 / bravia_atv2

BRAVIA Android TV Knowledge Base
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No DTS passthrough via standard Android AudioTrack API #3

Closed CiNcH83 closed 5 years ago

CiNcH83 commented 5 years ago

ENCODING_DTS and ENCODING_DTS_HD are implemented according to AudioDeviceInfo::getEncodings:

--- Found device: BRAVIA 4K GB ATV3
id: 12, type: HDMI_ARC, isSink: true, isSource: false
channel counts: 1 / 2 / 6 / 8
channel index masks: any
channel masks: 4 / 12 / 252 / 6396
encodings: PCM_16BIT / AAC_LC / AAC_HE_V1 / AAC_HE_2 / AC3 / E_AC3 / DTS / DTS_HD
sample rates: 8000 / 11025 / 16000 / 22050 / 24000 / 32000 / 44100 / 48000

Unfortunately there is only silence when using the DTS APIs. No stream is output to the AVR. Also the stock Video app is affected.

Rydako commented 5 years ago

Did this get fixed on 6.5850?

CiNcH83 commented 5 years ago

According to some people on reddit, DTS is indeed fixed. The new firmware even supports Android's DTS-HD API. DTS-HD MA over ARC works as such that the DTS compatible core is extracted for transmission. Playback allegedly stops after two seconds though. Will test as soon as the firmware becomes available in my region.

CiNcH83 commented 5 years ago

FW 6.6510 in Europe fixes DTS passthrough.