CiNcH83 / bravia_atv2

BRAVIA Android TV Knowledge Base
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Google Assistant takes several seconds to load #39

Closed CiNcH83 closed 5 years ago

CiNcH83 commented 5 years ago

From the time when the mic button is pressed until the Google Assistant UI is loaded with Assistant being able to take in commands, several seconds elapse.

This duration pretty much depends on when the last factory reset has been performed. It is sufficiently reactive following a factory reset but becomes slower on a daily/weekly basis it seems.

While Assistant is loading, the system_server process occupies an entire CPU core. So something is clearly going on there.

PID   USER     PR  NI CPU% S  #THR      VSS     RSS PCY Name
 1874 system   20   0  25% S   111 1942536K 168848K  fg system_server
CiNcH83 commented 5 years ago

This can be fixed by unplugging the TV from the power outlet for a couple of seconds, at least for some days after which it will become sluggish again. Surprisingly a full Android TV reboot (long power button press) doesn't fix it though.

CiNcH83 commented 5 years ago

Seems to be fixed with Nov. 1st update of the Google app for Android TV (v3.6.0.217778540).