CiNcH83 / bravia_atv2

BRAVIA Android TV Knowledge Base
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Media Player app does not refresh DLNA content #43

Open CiNcH83 opened 5 years ago

CiNcH83 commented 5 years ago

When adding/removing/moving content on the DLNA server, those changes are not visible inside the stock Video app.

The only way to refresh the DLNA content seems to be deleting data and cache of the HueyModule app, either via Settings > Apps or via ADB shell command:

adb shell pm clear

SiNaPsEr0x commented 1 year ago

When adding/removing/moving content on the DLNA server, those changes are not visible inside the stock Video app.

The only way to refresh the DLNA content seems to be deleting data and cache of the HueyModule app, either via Settings > Apps or via ADB shell command:

adb shell pm clear

Thanks you sooooooo much... is only fix Today! image