Ciantic / VirtualDesktopAccessor

DLL for accessing Windows 11/10 Virtual Desktop features from e.g. AutoHotkey
MIT License
782 stars 93 forks source link

[Request] previous versions #67

Open Saya47 opened 1 year ago

Saya47 commented 1 year ago

Hello! It's been a long while since I've updated my Windows, I'm currently on Windows 10 1803 and my laptop doesn't support Win 11. As far as I remember, I've downloaded working DLL's for 1803 and 1809, I'd like to ask for other working versions to be documented on the file so I can find the releases/commits easily because my options to upgrade my Windows are limited, so I need to know for which versions of Windows the VDA supports, so I can upgrade to those! Thanks a lot!