Ciantic / VirtualDesktopAccessor

DLL for accessing Windows 11/10 Virtual Desktop features from e.g. AutoHotkey
MIT License
745 stars 92 forks source link

Error on execution #82

Open neondeex opened 9 months ago

neondeex commented 9 months ago

image Using Windows 10

My script

SetWorkingDir("C:\Users\fzemi\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup")

; Path to the DLL, relative to the script
VDA_PATH := A_ScriptDir . "\VirtualDesktopAccessor.dll"
hVirtualDesktopAccessor := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", VDA_PATH, "Ptr")

GetDesktopCountProc := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hVirtualDesktopAccessor, "AStr", "GetDesktopCount", "Ptr")
GoToDesktopNumberProc := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hVirtualDesktopAccessor, "AStr", "GoToDesktopNumber", "Ptr")
GetCurrentDesktopNumberProc := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hVirtualDesktopAccessor, "AStr", "GetCurrentDesktopNumber", "Ptr")
IsWindowOnCurrentVirtualDesktopProc := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hVirtualDesktopAccessor, "AStr", "IsWindowOnCurrentVirtualDesktop", "Ptr")
IsWindowOnDesktopNumberProc := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hVirtualDesktopAccessor, "AStr", "IsWindowOnDesktopNumber", "Ptr")
MoveWindowToDesktopNumberProc := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hVirtualDesktopAccessor, "AStr", "MoveWindowToDesktopNumber", "Ptr")
IsPinnedWindowProc := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hVirtualDesktopAccessor, "AStr", "IsPinnedWindow", "Ptr")
GetDesktopNameProc := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hVirtualDesktopAccessor, "AStr", "GetDesktopName", "Ptr")
SetDesktopNameProc := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hVirtualDesktopAccessor, "AStr", "SetDesktopName", "Ptr")
CreateDesktopProc := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hVirtualDesktopAccessor, "AStr", "CreateDesktop", "Ptr")
RemoveDesktopProc := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hVirtualDesktopAccessor, "AStr", "RemoveDesktop", "Ptr")

; On change listeners
RegisterPostMessageHookProc := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hVirtualDesktopAccessor, "AStr", "RegisterPostMessageHook", "Ptr")
UnregisterPostMessageHookProc := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hVirtualDesktopAccessor, "AStr", "UnregisterPostMessageHook", "Ptr")

GetDesktopCount() {
    global GetDesktopCountProc
    count := DllCall(GetDesktopCountProc, "Int")
    return count

MoveCurrentWindowToDesktop(number) {
    global MoveWindowToDesktopNumberProc, GoToDesktopNumberProc
    activeHwnd := WinGetID("A")
    DllCall(MoveWindowToDesktopNumberProc, "Ptr", activeHwnd, "Int", number, "Int")
    DllCall(GoToDesktopNumberProc, "Int", number, "Int")

GoToPrevDesktop() {
    global GetCurrentDesktopNumberProc, GoToDesktopNumberProc
    current := DllCall(GetCurrentDesktopNumberProc, "Int")
    last_desktop := GetDesktopCount() - 1
    ; If current desktop is 0, go to last desktop
    if (current = 0) {
    } else {
        MoveOrGotoDesktopNumber(current - 1)

GoToNextDesktop() {
    global GetCurrentDesktopNumberProc, GoToDesktopNumberProc
    current := DllCall(GetCurrentDesktopNumberProc, "Int")
    last_desktop := GetDesktopCount() - 1
    ; If current desktop is last, go to first desktop
    if (current = last_desktop) {
    } else {
        MoveOrGotoDesktopNumber(current + 1)

GoToDesktopNumber(num) {
    global GoToDesktopNumberProc
    DllCall(GoToDesktopNumberProc, "Int", num, "Int")
MoveOrGotoDesktopNumber(num) {
    ; If user is holding down Mouse left button, move the current window also
    if (GetKeyState("LButton")) {
    } else {
GetDesktopName(num) {
    global GetDesktopNameProc
    utf8_buffer := Buffer(1024, 0)
    ran := DllCall(GetDesktopNameProc, "Int", num, "Ptr", utf8_buffer, "Ptr", utf8_buffer.Size, "Int")
    name := StrGet(utf8_buffer, 1024, "UTF-8")
    return name
SetDesktopName(num, name) {
    global SetDesktopNameProc
    name_utf8 := Buffer(1024, 0)
    StrPut(name, name_utf8, "UTF-8")
    ran := DllCall(SetDesktopNameProc, "Int", num, "Ptr", name_utf8, "Int")
    return ran
CreateDesktop() {
    global CreateDesktopProc
    ran := DllCall(CreateDesktopProc, "Int")
    return ran
RemoveDesktop(remove_desktop_number, fallback_desktop_number) {
    global RemoveDesktopProc
    ran := DllCall(RemoveDesktopProc, "Int", remove_desktop_number, "Int", fallback_desktop_number, "Int")
    return ran

; SetDesktopName(0, "It works! 🐱")

DllCall(RegisterPostMessageHookProc, "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd, "Int", 0x1400 + 30, "Int")
OnMessage(0x1400 + 30, OnChangeDesktop)
OnChangeDesktop(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) {
    OldDesktop := wParam + 1
    NewDesktop := lParam + 1
    Name := GetDesktopName(NewDesktop - 1)

    ; Use Dbgview.exe to checkout the output debug logs
    OutputDebug("Desktop changed to " Name " from " OldDesktop " to " NewDesktop)
    ; TraySetIcon(".\Icons\icon" NewDesktop ".ico")

MrYutz commented 8 months ago

I can validate this on the example.ahk2 script.

Line 105, using the 11-10-23 version of the DLL and the 08-31-2023 version.

I am just did a fresh install of windows (22635.2915) on 12/26/2023 and it has broken something, so I am here while debugging.

MrYutz commented 8 months ago

It isn't a bug, it was a path error for me. I updated the script and added an OutputDebug to the VDA path, fixed the VDA_PATH directory, and the error message was resolved.


; Path to the DLL, relative to the script
VDA_PATH := A_ScriptDir . "\VirtualDesktopAccessor11_10.dll"

I am still having issues on 22635.2915, but will open another issue as required.

MrYutz commented 8 months ago

...and this fixed my 22635.2915 issue. Thanks @itzjakm.