Cibiv / IQ-TREE

Efficient phylogenomic software by maximum likelihood
GNU General Public License v2.0
184 stars 44 forks source link

Question about run and iterations #224

Open jolespin opened 2 years ago

jolespin commented 2 years ago

Here's my current log file:

bash-4.2$ tail -f phylogeny/log/4__iqtree.o
Proportion of invariable sites: 0.066
Gamma shape alpha: 0.753
Parameters optimization took 5 rounds (1562.680 sec)
Time for fast ML tree search: 10512.363 seconds

NOTE: ModelFinder requires 21755 MB RAM!
ModelFinder will test up to 52 protein models (sample size: 75947) ...
 No. Model         -LnL         df  AIC          AICc         BIC
  1  WAG           5164726.670  375 10330203.339 10330207.071 10333667.511
  2  WAG+I         5076651.124  376 10154054.249 10154058.001 10157527.658
  3  WAG+G4        4778182.530  376 9557117.061  9557120.812  9560590.470
  4  WAG+I+G4      4773321.064  377 9547396.129  9547399.900  9550878.776
  5  WAG+R2        4861259.554  377 9723273.108  9723276.880  9726755.755
  6  WAG+R3        4799069.892  379 9598897.785  9598901.596  9602398.908
  7  WAG+R4        4778014.516  381 9556791.032  9556794.884  9560310.631
  8  WAG+R5        4768579.809  383 9537925.617  9537929.510  9541463.691
  9  WAG+R6        4766098.330  385 9532966.660  9532970.593  9536523.209
 10  WAG+R7        4765252.693  387 9531279.386  9531283.361  9534854.411

If I set --bb 1000 does that mean it's going to be 990 more of these fits?

I need to know if I should stop the job or not since it's been running over the weekend.