CicciaLab / iSTOP

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Cancer #2

Open ghost opened 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

It would also be nice to have a column which indicates whether the sgSTOP recapitulates a frequent mutation in cancer or a place to search for cancer genes only.

EricEdwardBryant commented 7 years ago

You can use the Cancer Gene Census dataset.

"Frequent" mutation is a little tricky as there is some duplication in COSMIC. It would be easier to just record how many times a site has been recorded in COSMIC. The iSTOP-paper project generates this dataset. So this can be easily added.

I think the gene annotation stuff (e.g. is a CGC tumor suppressor) is more appropriate for the website than for the package. However, iSTOP site annotation (e.g. observed in COSMIC) does make sense to include in the package.