Cidan / BetterBags

A total replacement AddOn for World of Warcraft bag frames, inspired by AdiBags.
MIT License
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Bag buttons not showing #337

Open Sheldorh opened 1 month ago

Sheldorh commented 1 month ago

Addon Version


World of Warcraft Version


Describe the bug

Normally buttons are shown for the main bag as wel as the indivudual bags/reagent bag. They disappear as soon as I switch from Adibags to Better bags. Replacing a specific bag by a bigger one is impossible now. I don't know if it is a bug or intentional, but the option to show the blizzard bag button only shows the main bag and not the specific bags. I would very much like to be able to show all the bag buttons on screen.

Steps to reproduce

Enable the option to show the blizzard bag button. Only one button shows.

Cidan commented 1 month ago

Did you select the "Show Bags" option from the drop down in the bag menu?

Sheldorh commented 1 month ago

Did you select the "Show Bags" option from the drop down in the bag menu?

Thanks for answering. I see what you mean. But that shows the bags on top of the bag (I believe adibags had that same option). But it still hides the bag buttons next to the main bag. If it is possible, I would prefer to have an option to show those as well. But I guess this is by design and not a bug. I just do not know how to change this topic from a bug to a feature request then.