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Mismatch issue in SAD loop unit test #51

Closed edmond-zhu closed 4 years ago

edmond-zhu commented 5 years ago

Step to reproduce:

./SvtAv1UnitTests --gtest_filter="LOOPSAD*"

Console output (part of failed cases and final results):

[ RUN      ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/12410
C:\Works\AV1\SVT-AV1\test\ error: Expected equality of these values:
    Which is: 171981
    Which is: 171093
compare best_sad error block dim: [64 x 32] search area [15 x 6]
C:\Works\AV1\SVT-AV1\test\ error: Expected equality of these values:
    Which is: 0
    Which is: 20
compare x_search_center error block dim: [64 x 32] search area [15 x 6]
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/12410, where GetParam() = (3, (64, 32), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E110FD80)) (48 ms)
[ RUN      ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/12411
C:\Works\AV1\SVT-AV1\test\ error: Expected equality of these values:
    Which is: 171981
    Which is: 171093
compare best_sad error block dim: [64 x 32] search area [15 x 6]
C:\Works\AV1\SVT-AV1\test\ error: Expected equality of these values:
    Which is: 0
    Which is: 20
compare x_search_center error block dim: [64 x 32] search area [15 x 6]
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/12411, where GetParam() = (3, (64, 32), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E11482A0)) (49 ms)

[==========] 16240 tests from 1 test case ran. (739354 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 16222 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 18 tests, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/8234, where GetParam() = (2, (64, 64), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E110FD80))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/8235, where GetParam() = (2, (64, 64), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E11482A0))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/8698, where GetParam() = (2, (32, 16), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E110FD80))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/8699, where GetParam() = (2, (32, 16), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E11482A0))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/9278, where GetParam() = (2, (8, 8), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E110FD80))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/9279, where GetParam() = (2, (8, 8), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E11482A0))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/9858, where GetParam() = (2, (16, 4), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E110FD80))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/9859, where GetParam() = (2, (16, 4), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E11482A0))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/10322, where GetParam() = (2, (64, 16), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E110FD80))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/10323, where GetParam() = (2, (64, 16), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E11482A0))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/11134, where GetParam() = (2, (48, 24), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E110FD80))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/11135, where GetParam() = (2, (48, 24), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E11482A0))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/12294, where GetParam() = (3, (64, 64), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E110FD80))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/12295, where GetParam() = (3, (64, 64), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E11482A0))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/12410, where GetParam() = (3, (64, 32), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E110FD80))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/12411, where GetParam() = (3, (64, 32), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E11482A0))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/15078, where GetParam() = (3, (64, 24), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E110FD80))
[  FAILED  ] LOOPSAD/SadLoopTest.SadLoopTest/15079, where GetParam() = (3, (64, 24), (15, 6), (00007FF7E10D31B0, 00007FF7E11482A0))


target functions:

 - sad_loop_kernel_sparse_sse4_1_intrin
 - sad_loop_kernel_sparse_avx2_intrin
edmond-zhu commented 5 years ago

Following PR fix this issue:

Cidana-Emma commented 5 years ago

The comment is clear. @edmond-zhu thanks for your help!

Cidana-Emma commented 5 years ago

Report Issue#771 to SVT-AV1, will track the status there

Cidana-Emma commented 4 years ago

This issue fixed by PR#806, so closed.