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Research how Android interacts with a database #65

Open stt19 opened 7 years ago

stt19 commented 7 years ago

Find out if there are pre-existing libraries in Java that would make database connection/queries easier, and learn how to implement them into our project.

stt19 commented 7 years ago

After looking through several different sources on the web, I have found that the most standard way to connect an Android app to a mysql database is through server scripts written in PHP.

I had really hoped there would be a built in API library in java that could take off some of the work of building all the query functions, but I could not find one.

I have been independently learning the backend for web development, so I am familiar with PHP and building MySQL queries/JSON parsing. So I should not need to make any new research issues to learn those skills.

Next I will work on making a dummy Android application locally to get practice, with the end goal that I am able to confidently create PHP scripts for our own app.

Here are a couple good tutorials I have been referencing:

stt19 commented 7 years ago

I had moved this to completed right after this comment. It appears it did not update when I did so.