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Create a test app to practice Android/database interactions #68

Open stt19 opened 7 years ago

stt19 commented 7 years ago

After researching this in a previous issue, I would like to create a working project in Android Studio to work with a database I make locally. This way I will be able to implement what I learn in our project.

stt19 commented 7 years ago

On my laptop, I had moved this into In Progress two days ago. I am seeing now that it did not update, but I have been working on this issue since then.

stt19 commented 7 years ago
screen shot 2017-04-05 at 8 41 42 am screen shot 2017-04-05 at 8 41 58 am screen shot 2017-04-05 at 8 48 06 am screen shot 2017-04-05 at 8 48 17 am
stt19 commented 7 years ago

The first two screen captures are of me trying to run the code from a tutorial I was referencing:

I changed the database connection to work with a local copy I made of the database used in the tutorial, and updated the URLs for the PHP scripts to match. Even so, the app would not work correctly.

I thought maybe there was just some code in it that was not compatible so I tried to make my own basic app that would take the id of a user (I created another database to connect to it) and after hitting the GET button, it should return their name as stored in the table. This caused the app to crash altogether.

I am still working on this issue, but I have definitely hit a block. I will speak with Dr. Lehr to see if he may know of any good resources that are up-to-date.

stt19 commented 7 years ago

I was still not able to complete this by the end of the sprint, but I think I found a decent, up-to-date video tutorial. I am taking this off the Sprint, but plan on completing this issue in the downtime between now and Sprint 3 since I was stuck on it for so long.

Here is the tutorial video(s) I am watching:

stt19 commented 7 years ago
screen shot 2017-04-10 at 11 29 05 pm screen shot 2017-04-10 at 11 28 59 pm

I finally was able to complete at least a basic app that works with a local MySQL database. Basically what happens in the picture is (and I know you can't see it very well because it cuts off) the user would enter the id number of an employee, hit the "get" button, and a dialogue message would appear saying that employee's name, which was pulled from the database.

stt19 commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure if I can just place this directly into the Done section or not, so for now I will leave it in the Release Backlog, but it is complete. I will ask Dr. Lehr how to handle work done outside of sprints tomorrow.