CigarProject / Cigar

An enhanced open source server implementation, written with Node.js.
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Name rendering has performance issues. #437

Open makandz opened 7 years ago

makandz commented 7 years ago

This isn't showing up for me, don't think it'll show up for many. However, on my website many users do play on very low end computers (chrome books) and the rendering of the game gives of cutting frames. (Chopping frames)

I have done some question asking and surveys, people say a noticeable lag decrease comes when names are hidden.

Now this might not sound important, but those specific people said that and have no lag no matter what options are set, That means either the name rendering or the leaderboard is causing some lag for a lot of people on lower-end computers. (I can't test this, because I get a constant 60 frames)

Anyone have a solution?

makandz commented 7 years ago

Going to test if commit e0b47bde699465e8aae48545826ed3ccd121e9ae fixes this.

Luka967 commented 7 years ago

It doesn't. Performance boosts were just decreasing calculation needs. I have a plan which will aid in name performance by drawing and storing caches, and then just scaling the best option to required level. Will consume some more memory but I think at an insignificant level.

makandz commented 7 years ago

@Luka967 Awesome we'll see how it goes 👍