Cimbali / markdown-viewer

Markdown (.md) file viewer WebExtension for your browser.
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`rst` Support #112

Open brian6932 opened 5 months ago

brian6932 commented 5 months ago

ReStructured Text's kinda like Markdown, and with this GH issue being a thing It's a better time than any to add support.

Cimbali commented 4 months ago

TL;DR: I think this add-on doesn’t work like you think it does, and is not applicable to the github bug. Also would be a lot of work.

A couple of thoughts regarding this suggestion:

brian6932 commented 4 months ago

I mean I use the addon, I know how it works, sorry for not being clear enough, I was implying you'd open the raw page.

However, github prevents tampering with (and thus rendering the syntax of) raw pages through CORS headers, so unless you override those headers this add-on won’t render raw github pages either. (But it works on e.g. raw gitlab pages.)

I do override CORS.

Aren’t there rst-rendering addons out there that you could look at to work around the bug?

I honestly don't know of any.

I completely understand if you feel that it's out of scope, I just didn't really have anywhere to turn to. rst rendering's honestly pretty rare from what I saw, I made the same feature request for glow as well.

Cimbali commented 4 months ago

I’m not closing as wontfix as I’m willing to consider it – but definitely won’t have time to do this myself any time soon. In your use case (raw page + CORS override), that could work indeed.