Closed siva-saripilli closed 5 months ago
Number of Addenda Records
handled by creating and adding addenda records (example below)
using (var nachaWriter = new ChoNACHAWriter(@"C:\Projects\GitHub\ChoETL.NACHA\ChoETL.NACHATest\bin\Debug\NACHA_TEST.txt", config))
nachaWriter.Configuration.ErrorMode = ChoETL.ChoErrorMode.ThrowAndStop;
using (var bw1 = nachaWriter.CreateBatch(200))
using (var entry1 = bw1.CreateDebitEntryDetail(20, "123456789", "1313131313", 22.505M, "ID Number", "ID Name", "Desc Data"))
entry1.CreateAddendaRecord("Monthly bill");
fields?? not sure about it. Pls be more specific with sample.
Hi there
The CTX entry detail record has additional fields like
Number of Addenda Records
fields in there. I see that theChoNACHAEntryDetailRecord
has a single implementation. How are these additional fields handled?And thanks for the amazing work on this package!