I have just started working with ChoEazyCopy and I have a probably tedious but very useful suggestion:
It's great that we can search for options in the GUI, but I guess that most users:
often search for robocopy-help using google, even if they now have a GUI, because the options and help texts are difficult to interpret
then, they get the proposal: use the /xo parameter!
now, they go back to ChoEazyCopy ... and it gets hard to find the /xo option
Therefore, if possible, it would be great if the search box could search for the Help-Text, too.
Thank you very much for sharing your great work!
I have just started working with ChoEazyCopy and I have a probably tedious but very useful suggestion: It's great that we can search for options in the GUI, but I guess that most users:
Therefore, if possible, it would be great if the search box could search for the Help-Text, too.
Thanks a lot, kind regards, Thomas