Cinderella-Man / hands-on-elixir-and-otp-cryptocurrency-trading-bot-source-code

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config.exs API KEY from environment variable #9

Closed juanpabloaj closed 3 years ago

juanpabloaj commented 3 years ago

To avoid adding the API KEY to the code.

This is only a suggestion, maybe this is not necessary for the objective of the book.

Cinderella-Man commented 3 years ago

Hi @juanpabloaj :wave:

Thank you very much for creating this PR. I think this is a great idea but I wanted to introduce new concepts iteratively throughout the book so I would prefer to shy away from introducing environmental variables in 2nd chapter. I will definitely use them later on as we will reach the stage where we will be talking about deployment.

In the 16th video (on YouTube) I introduced environmental-based config files(like test.exs or prod.exs inside the config directory). All of this builds up to deployment at some stage where I will introduce environment-sourced config values(like the ones from this PR but only inside the prod.exs file probably).

I hope that makes sense :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you once again for pointing this out/contributing! :+1: