CircleCI-Archived / api-preview-docs

In-progress docs about the pre-release preview of CircleCI API v2
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[Feature Request] Use codegen to create client libraries #43

Open coilysiren opened 4 years ago

coilysiren commented 4 years ago

Requested Feature

I would very much appreciate CircleCI generating some client libraries from its api spec. I'm imagining something like swagger-codegen or protobuf, or however it's implemented in the various clients aws provides (example).


I've built / maintained several small services that use the CircleCI api. Generally when I'm building services like this (in python / golang / javascript) I want to use a client, since working directly with json can often be annoying. In many cases, I have opted to use client libraries provided by 3rd parties, such as

I prefer 3rd party client libraries over using the json api directly, but I'm still not totally comfortable with using 3rd party libraries to access an API for a vendor.


If there were some automatically generated libraries available for this API, it would have the following effects:


I would very much like this feature, so please let me know when you add it ✨ 🙏 thank you for reading! 🙏 ✨

jama22 commented 4 years ago

Now that we're using an openapi spec, we've been experimenting with this very notion starting with a Java client