CircleCI-Archived / api-preview-docs

In-progress docs about the pre-release preview of CircleCI API v2
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Endpoint to fetch all project workflows #56

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hey folks, v1.1. has GET /projects endpoint to fetch all projects of the token verified user and with that I was able to read the current states (success, failures and running) for my whole context to be shown in dashboard. The endpoint has the problem, that jobs "on hold" were displayed as "failed" and after approval the continued workflow will not be shown in the json data...

So I searched for option to use v2 instead, but it has completely no additional information to v1.1 and has no option to get all projects or workflows.

Perhaps you can enhance your endpoints to this request... Best regards Sven

g-mark commented 4 years ago

+1 a GET /project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/workflows endpoint would be helpful