CircleCI-Public / maven-orb

Simplify common tasks for building and testing Java projects using Maven on CircleCI.
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maven_command doesn't seem to be applied properly to the "Install Dependencies "step #8

Closed rkennedy-mode closed 4 years ago

rkennedy-mode commented 4 years ago

Orb Version


Describe the bug

When using the test job a custom maven_command doesn't seem to be applied to the "Install Dependencies" step, resulting in the step using mvn, instead of whatever's specified in maven_command. This causes issues if you're using Maven wrapper and trying to set maven_command = mvnw.

To Reproduce

Here's a compiled config straight from the CircleCI web UI:

# Orb 'circleci/maven@1.0.1' resolved to 'circleci/maven@1.0.1'
version: 2
    - image: adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:jdk-11.0.8_10-alpine
    - checkout
    - run:
        command: find . -name 'pom.xml' | sort | xargs cat > /tmp/maven_cache_seed
        name: Generate Cache Checksum
        working_directory: $CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY/
    - restore_cache:
        key: maven-{{ checksum "/tmp/maven_cache_seed" }}
    - run:
        command: |
          if [ -n "" ]; then
            set -- "$@" --settings ""
          mvn dependency:go-offline "$@"
        name: Install Dependencies
        working_directory: ''
    - run:
        command: |
          if [ -n "" ]; then
            set -- "$@" --settings ""
          mvnw -am -pl service/example verify "$@"
        name: Run Tests
        working_directory: ''
    - save_cache:
        key: maven-{{ checksum "/tmp/maven_cache_seed" }}
        - ~/.m2
    - store_test_results:
        path: target/surefire-reports
    - maven/test
  version: 2

# Original config.yml file:
# version: 2.1
# orbs:
#   maven: \"circleci/maven@1.0.1\"
# executors:
#   java-build-executor:
#     docker:
#       - image: \"adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:jdk-11.0.8_10-alpine\"
# workflows:
#   build_and_test:
#     jobs:
#       - maven/test:
#           executor: \"java-build-executor\"
#           maven_command: \"mvnw\"
#           command: \"-am -pl service/example verify\"

You can see the maven/test job in the workflow specifies maven_command = mvnw. However, the "Install Dependencies" step still uses mvn dependency:go-offline "$@". The "Run Tests" step appears to be correctly picking up the maven_command value as it's showing mvnw -am -pl service/example verify "$@".

Expected behavior

When maven_command is set to mvnw there should be no instances where mvn is used instead.

Additional context


gmemstr commented 4 years ago

Excellent catch @rkennedy-mode - looking into this.