CircleCI-Public / windows-preview-docs

Temporary docs on how to use the pre-release preview of Windows builds on CircleCI
MIT License
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store_test_artifacts fails #7

Open mbravorus opened 5 years ago

mbravorus commented 5 years ago

I have a job running on win preview that is coded in config.yml like this:

    parallelism: 2
    working_directory: c:\cache
    executor: win/preview-default
          BUILD_PREFIX: 3.6.3
          TEST_FOLDER: ./tests

      - checkout
      - run: choco install python --version=3.6.3
      - run: choco install checksum
      - run:
          name: Setup Python Version
          command: |
            $env:Path += ";C:\Python36;C:\Python36\Scripts"
            python --version >> _tmp_file_python_version 2>&1
            echo $CIRCLE_JOB >> _tmp_file_python_version 2>&1
            cat _tmp_file_python_version 2>&1
      - restore_cache: *restore_cache
      - run:
          name: Install Requirements
          command: |
              $env:Path += ";C:\Python36;C:\Python36\Scripts"
              if (-not (Test-Path "venv")) {
                pip install virtualenv
                virtualenv venv

                $client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
                $client.DownloadFile("", "c:\tmp\")
                python c:\tmp\
                Remove-Item c:\tmp\ -Force

                python --version
                pip --version

                pip install --requirement dev-requirements.txt --upgrade --progress-bar off --ignore-installed

              # We install the latest on top of the venv in order to get the latest packages
              pip install --requirement dev-requirements.txt --upgrade --progress-bar off
      - save_cache: *save_cache
      - run:
          name: tests
          command: |
            $env:Path += ";C:\Python36;C:\Python36\Scripts"
            (Get-Command python).Path
            mkdir -p workspace\test_artifacts\$env:BUILD_PREFIX\coverage
            mkdir -p workspace\test_results\$env:BUILD_PREFIX
            cmd /c mklink /d test_artifact workspace\test_artifacts\$env:BUILD_PREFIX\coverage 
            cmd /c mklink /d test_results workspace\test_results\$env:BUILD_PREFIX 
            nosetests --with-xunit --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-branches --cover-package=. --cover-xml --cover-html `
              --cover-html-dir=workspace/test_artifacts/$env:BUILD_PREFIX/coverage `
              --cover-xml-file=workspace/test_results/$env:BUILD_PREFIX/coverage-report.xml `
              --xunit-file=workspace/test_results/$env:BUILD_PREFIX/nosetests.xml `
      - store_test_results:
          path: test_results

      - store_artifacts:
          path: test_artifact

      - persist_to_workspace:
          root: workspace
            - test_artifact\*
            - test_results\*

it actually succeeds. however, the store_artifacts step fails with this error:

Uploading c:\cache\test_artifact to cache/test_artifact
Uploading c:\cache\test_artifact (12 kB): FAILED with error MultipartUpload: upload multipart failed
    upload id: dsxtW66mIwGlXDFMA0mlG0XJ0aBj1Oymg1iMwahDfyAbOeSAebShvRtY7ohpl28ECr_omwffagHti1Su4aV7.d0FibUKoB8zi6TQygyThqAT_h1HlnJONuQnLvKpNB0xS_buvcttQqOY917.iZRGjg--
caused by: BodyHashError: failed to compute body hashes
caused by: read c:\cache\test_artifact: The handle is invalid.

You can see it at - uploading artifacts step

It may have something to do with the fact that test_artifacts is a symbolic link. However, test_results in the next step is also a symbolic link and it works fine.

The actual path exists and has files inside, verified by rerunning with ssh:

PS C:\Users\circleci> cd c:\cache
cd c:\cache
PS C:\cache> dir

    Directory: C:\cache

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name                                                                  
----                -------------         ------ ----                                                                  
d-----        7/11/2019  11:36 AM                .circleci                                                             
d-----        7/11/2019  11:36 AM                .github                                                               
d-----        7/11/2019  11:36 AM                git_hooks                                                             
d-----        7/11/2019  11:37 AM                missinglink                                                           
d-----        7/11/2019  11:36 AM                scripts                                                               
d-----        7/11/2019  11:37 AM                tests                                                                 
d----l        7/11/2019  11:37 AM                test_artifact                                                         
d----l        7/11/2019  11:37 AM                test_results                                                          
d-----        7/10/2019   1:46 PM                venv                                                                  
d-----        7/11/2019  11:37 AM                workspace                                                             
-a----        7/11/2019  11:36 AM            755 .codeclimate.yml                                                      
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM          95558 .coverage                                                             
-a----        7/11/2019  11:36 AM            130 .coveragerc                                                           
-a----        7/11/2019  11:36 AM            304 .editorconfig                                                         
-a----        7/11/2019  11:36 AM           1403 .gitignore                                                            
-a----        7/11/2019  11:36 AM            599 .releaserc.json                                                       
-a----        7/11/2019  11:36 AM            188 dev-requirements.txt                                                  
-a----        7/11/2019  11:36 AM            117 requirements.txt                                                      
-a----        7/11/2019  11:36 AM             99 setup.cfg                                                             
-a----        7/11/2019  11:36 AM           1385                                                              
-a----        7/11/2019  11:37 AM             30 _tmp_file_python_version                                              

PS C:\cache> dir test_artifact
dir test_artifact

    Directory: C:\cache\test_artifact

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name                                                                  
----                -------------         ------ ----                                                                  
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM          18458 coverage_html.js                                                      
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM           9644 index.html                                                            
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM            731                                    
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM           3065 jquery.hotkeys.js                                                     
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM           1502 jquery.isonscreen.js                                                  
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM          95785 jquery.min.js                                                         
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM          12795 jquery.tablesorter.min.js                                             
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM            112 keybd_closed.png                                                      
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM            112 keybd_open.png                                                        
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM          66595 missinglink_core_api_py.html                                          
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM          55921 missinglink_core_avro_utils_py.html                                   
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM          76767 missinglink_core_config_py.html                                       
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM          15013 missinglink_core_context_py.html                                      
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM          17896 missinglink_core_default_params_py.html                               
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM           4707 missinglink_core_eprint_py.html                                       
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM           5626 missinglink_core_exceptions_py.html                                   
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM          30533 missinglink_core_json_utils_py.html                                   
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM          84113 missinglink_core_multi_process_control_py.html                        
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM          18454 missinglink_core_print_status_py.html                                 
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM           6748 missinglink_core_update_timer_py.html                                 
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM           7549 missinglink_core_utils_file_utils_py.html                             
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM          19189 missinglink_core_utils_os_utils_py.html                               
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM           2790 missinglink_core_utils___init___py.html                               
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM           3062 missinglink_core___init___py.html                                     
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM           4181 missinglink___init___py.html                                          
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM           3646 status.json                                                           
-a----        7/11/2019  11:38 AM           6757 style.css                                                             
mbravorus commented 5 years ago

I have found a reference to this being a bug with S3 SDK related to double symbolic links -

and have worked around this by just copying a directory instead of linking it

however I don't think that in my case there's a double link, so perhaps this is worth it to investigate anyway

appplemac commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting this @mbravorus — and thanks for all the details. We are looking into this and will update here as we progress with the fix.