CirclonGroup / angular-tree-component

A simple yet powerful tree component for Angular (>=2)
MIT License
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tree-root drag and drop doesn't work if it's the first route visited in a lazy loaded module #726

Open robotdevil opened 5 years ago

robotdevil commented 5 years ago

Our application has four modules (AppModule, CoreModule, LazyLoadedModule1 and LazyLoadedModule2).

There is a component in LazyLoadedModule1 that has a tree-root setup for drag and drop using the example code from the docs (

AppModule has the import TreeModule.forRoot() The other three modules have the import TreeModule

Visiting the route assigned to the component with the tree-root in LazyLoadedModule1 either directly or via a core module route then the drag and drop doesn't function.

Visiting a route assigned to a component in LazyLoadedModule2 and then visiting the route assigned to the component with the tree-root in LazyLoadedModule1 then the drag and drop works fine.

It also seems to be the case that if you visit another component first in LazyLoadedModule1 then visit the tree-root component it also works fine.

Additional Info

Tested in chrome


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rogerdtaylor commented 4 years ago

We are also seeing this issue, would be nice to have an update

KeithGillette commented 4 years ago

I'd be curious to know whether my open PR#780, which changes the way the TreeDraggedElement service is provided, corrects this issue.