Circuit-Digest / Object-Detection-Using-ESP32-CAM-Edge-Impulse-along-with-the-I2C-OLED-Display

Just an example program for combining the OLED Display with Edge Impulse's Arduino Library Code.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 2 forks source link

An error occurred during compilation #1

Open KeepGoingZouZou opened 3 months ago

KeepGoingZouZou commented 3 months ago

Hello author! There is a problem during compilation that seems to be about the conv.cpp and depthwise_conv.cpp files in the Vegetable_Identification_inferencing library, where inconsistencies in the way the structures are initialized in these files lead to compilation errors. // Before modification (incorrect) data_dims_t filter_dims = {.width = filter_width, .height = filter_height, 0, 0};

// modified (correct) data_dims_t filter_dims = {.width = filter_width, .height = filter_height, .channels = 0, .unused_field1 = 0}; I tried a lot but didn't find the location of the corresponding file and the code change. I've also noticed that other partners have encountered the same problem, but didn't find the answer in the comments on this page: Can you help us? Thank you.

截屏2024-08-14 03 39 46 截屏2024-08-14 03 43 30
nishit0072e commented 22 hours ago

Try to add Adafruit_BUSIO, Adafruit_GFX, Adafruit_SSD1306 libraries & change this function "static int ei_camera_get_data(size_t offset, size_t length, float *out_ptr)" from static to extern and call it once in the starting of void loop function. This should fix the problems. If error persist try to switch to platformIO from Arduino IDE