CircuitSetup / Split-Single-Phase-Energy-Meter

Split Single-phase Energy Meter
MIT License
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Getting 65535 values for Current and voltage #73

Open abraralishah12 opened 1 year ago

abraralishah12 commented 1 year ago

I am currently working on a PROJECT and ordered your PCB without esp32 full kit. And I am getting 65535 values for both current and voltage

CircuitSetup commented 1 year ago

The first thing to check is that everything is wired correctly. Do the meter and esp32 share a ground? Are the SPI wires connected on the pins specified in the program? Also, how is everything being powered?

abraralishah12 commented 1 year ago

Yes they share a ground. SPI wires are connected as specified in the program. Currently, I am powering them from USB port. I haven't connected the 9V transformer yet. I used a 9V transformer earlier but it had damaged my IC and ESp32. So right now I am only checking Current value.

abraralishah12 commented 1 year ago

@CircuitSetup kindly assist me on above issue.

CircuitSetup commented 1 year ago

Wait, what exactly did the 9V AC transformer burn out? It should only be plugged directly into the meter.

When you power the ESP32 via micro USB, is the meter showing a green light? Do any of the other lights blink when a current transformer is hooked up and around a wire with current going through it?

abraralishah12 commented 1 year ago

When I power esp32 with USB, green led blinks. When I ordered the PCB resistor array was short so other LEDs did not blink because of the open path in the PCB circuit.

abraralishah12 commented 1 year ago

@CircuitSetup kindly have a look at it.

CircuitSetup commented 1 year ago

When I power esp32 with USB, green led blinks. When I ordered the PCB resistor array was short so other LEDs did not blink because of the open path in the PCB circuit.

Is there a solid green light on the meter?

Specifically, what program are you running on the ESP32?

abraralishah12 commented 1 year ago

@CircuitSetup yes, green led, and it blinks when I power it with USB. Below is the code: `


const int CS_pin = 5; / 18 - CLK 19 - MISO 23 - MOSI /

unsigned short VoltageGain = 37106; unsigned short CurrentGainCT1 = 25498; unsigned short CurrentGainCT2 = 25498; unsigned short LineFreq = 389; unsigned short PGAGain = 21;

ATM90E32 eic{}; //initialize the IC class

void setup() { / Initialize the serial port to host / Serial.begin(115200);

while (!Serial) { ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB }

/* Wire.begin();


// Clear the buffer. display.clearDisplay(); display.setCursor(0, 0);

display.setTextSize(1.5); display.setTextColor(WHITE); */

/Initialise the ATM90E32 + SPI port / Serial.println("Start ATM90E32"); eic.begin(CS_pin, LineFreq, PGAGain, VoltageGain, CurrentGainCT1, 0, CurrentGainCT2); delay(1000); }

void loop() {

/Repeatedly fetch some values from the ATM90E32 / float voltageA, voltageC, totalVoltage, currentA, currentC, totalCurrent, realPower, powerFactor, temp, freq;

voltageA = eic.GetLineVoltageA(); // Voltage B is not used voltageC = eic.GetLineVoltageC(); totalVoltage = voltageA + voltageC ; currentA = eic.GetLineCurrentA(); // Current B is not used currentC = eic.GetLineCurrentC(); totalCurrent = currentA + currentC; realPower = eic.GetTotalActivePower(); powerFactor = eic.GetTotalPowerFactor(); temp = eic.GetTemperature(); freq = eic.GetFrequency();

Serial.println("VA:" + String(voltageA) + "V"); Serial.println("VC:" + String(voltageC) + "V"); Serial.println("IA:" + String(currentA) + "A"); Serial.println("IC:" + String(currentC) + "A");

delay(1000); delay(14000);

/ //Clear display to prevent burn in display.clearDisplay(); display.display(); / } `

abraralishah12 commented 1 year ago

@CircuitSetup have a look at the code please