CircusMonkey / ros_rtsp

ROS node to subscribe to an image and serve it up as a RTSP video feed.
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node doesn't subscribe camera image #16

Closed Bark33p3r closed 1 year ago

Bark33p3r commented 1 year ago

Hello, I guess I'm to stupid to use your node properly.

I'm running some ROS cameras from stemmer-imaging. The output is a ROS-Topic which is called "/MonoLeft/image_raw"

My config file looks like this: ` port: "8554" streams:

stream2: type: topic source: /MonoLeft/image_raw mountpoint: /back caps: video/x-raw,framerate=10/1,width=640,height=480 bitrate: 800 `

When I check who subscribes this node I can't see the rtsp node 'rostopic info MonoLeft/image_raw' ` Type: sensor_msgs/Image



'rostopic info /standalone_nodelet/bond' says: ` Type: bond/Status



ROS is running on a jetson nano (arm64 / aarch64)

Do you have any idea, what I'm doing wrong? Seems like it's working for some others. The image format is RAW. May you can help me out? Thanks a lot Greetings Markus

Bark33p3r commented 1 year ago

Figured it out, I need to subscribe the rtsp stream that the node subscribes the topic. Also I needed to do an image processing to change the format.

CircusMonkey commented 1 year ago

Thanks for following up with your solution!