CirrusRedOrg / EntityFrameworkCore.Jet

Entity Framework Core provider for Access database
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Scaffold warning message in one-to-one relationship tables #241

Closed PedroGGaspar closed 17 hours ago

PedroGGaspar commented 2 weeks ago

My database has a main parent table with some child tables with a one-to-one relationship. So, ParentTable has a primary key in a ParentId field, and all ChildTables also have a ParentId field, and all these child tables have a foreign key in the ChildTable.ParentId field and also a primary key in the same ChildTable.ParentId field.

When I run the Scaffold-DbContext command line on my database, for each of these child tables I get this warning message:

"_For foreign key fk_ChildTable_ParentTable on table ChildTable, unable to model the end of the foreign key on principal table (null). This is usually because the principal table was not included in the selection set._"

Is it expected or some kind of bug? I was unable to find information about this message.

Despite this, the code that is generated seems fine:

public partial class ParentTable
    [Column("ParentID", TypeName = "counter")]
    public int ParentId { get; set; }

    // [...]

[Index("ParentId", Name = "fk_ChildTable_ParentTable", IsUnique = true)]
public partial class ChildTable
    public int? ParentId { get; set; }

    // [...]

Although now I noticed that the ParentId field was created as nullable in the ChildTable.

ChrisJollyAU commented 1 week ago

Can I ask, what version of Efcore.Jet are you using, what .Net version?

Also are you able to share the whole scaffold command line? Are you specifying any tables as part of that command line to include?

PedroGGaspar commented 1 week ago

Yes, you can!

EFCore.Jet: 7.0.3 MS EFCore: 7.0.15 .NET: 6.0 -> Platform target: Any CPU

The command line:

Scaffold-DbContext -Connection "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=.\database\Modelo.mdb;" -Provider EntityFrameworkCore.Jet -OutputDir ".\Models" -ContextDir ".\" -Namespace "QuartaDb.Models" -ContextNamespace "QuartaDb" -Context "QuartaDbContext" -DataAnnotations -NoPluralize

I'm using Any CPU as the platform target and "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" provider just in the scaffold project, in the real project I use x86 as the platform target and "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" as the provider.

ChrisJollyAU commented 1 week ago

My database has a main parent table with some child tables with a one-to-one relationship. So, ParentTable has a primary key in a ParentId field, and all ChildTables also have a ParentId field, and all these child tables have a foreign key in the ChildTable.ParentId field and also a primary key in the same ChildTable.ParentId field.

If I understand this properly, in ChildTable the ParentId is meant to be both the primary key and foreign key. From your code snippet I can see that in ChildTable it has created ParentId with a unique index but there is no mention of foreign key which there should be.

Just looking at the error message, there is one thing that stands out. The principal table name is (null).

Having a look where it is read, see

it almost looks like the relation/foreign key isn't set up properly.

It would help if you could show the design view of the parent and child in MS access, or preferably link to a copy of the database itself (perhaps a minimal db with just a parent and child table in it)

PedroGGaspar commented 1 week ago

I attached a minimal db, 'Modelo.mdb' inside '':

The parent table is Funcionarios (Employees), the child table is FuncionarioDocumentos (EmployeeDocuments), the key field that relates both tables is FuncionarioID (EmployeeID). Inside MS Access, when I display relationships, I get:


I also checked the MSysRelantionships system table within MS Access and there is this row:


Using that command line I showed in this database, I still get the same message:

_For foreign key fk_FuncionarioDocumentos_Funcionarios on table FuncionarioDocumentos, unable to model the end of the foreign key on principal table (null). This is usually because the principal table was not included in the selection set._

ChrisJollyAU commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the sample database, helped heaps.

Ultimately, we can ignore this warning. The generated code is fine

public partial class Funcionarios
    [Column("FuncionarioID", TypeName = "counter")]
    public int FuncionarioId { get; set; }

    public string? Nome { get; set; }

    public virtual FuncionarioDocumentos? FuncionarioDocumentos { get; set; }

[Index("FuncionarioId", Name = "fk_FuncionarioDocumentos_Funcionarios", IsUnique = true)]
public partial class FuncionarioDocumentos
    public int FuncionarioId { get; set; }

    public string? Cpf { get; set; }

    public string? Rg { get; set; }

    public virtual Funcionarios Funcionario { get; set; } = null!;

And the OnModelCreating has this

modelBuilder.Entity<FuncionarioDocumentos>(entity =>
    entity.HasKey(e => e.FuncionarioId).HasName("pk_FuncionarioDocumentos");

    entity.Property(e => e.FuncionarioId).ValueGeneratedNever();

    entity.HasOne(d => d.Funcionario).WithOne(p => p.FuncionarioDocumentos).HasConstraintName("fk_FuncionarioDocumentos_Funcionarios");

modelBuilder.Entity<Funcionarios>(entity =>
    entity.HasKey(e => e.FuncionarioId).HasName("pk_Funcionarios");


A bit of background on what is happening.

It's a fairly easy fix to make sure AdoX only returns results for the foreign keys when getting the relations in the database (primary keys and unique are dealt with elsewhere). It should make its way into the 8.0 series coming up shortly but the 7.0 series won't be updated. It's really just a difference of a result row not being returned at all, or the result row being returned and then being skipped with a warning when we get to that row

PedroGGaspar commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the clarification and keep up the good work! I'm happy to be able to help in some way.