The busybox base image seems to be broken, or at least opkg is not working anymore.
From what I've read it seems that Alpine is the replacement for low footprint base image.
from docker-hub :
OpenWRT switched from GLIBC to MUSL, which breaks progrium/busybox :( I'm switching to alpine based container, after installing glibc as described here: https://github.com/progrium/busybox/issues/24
Hi, The busybox base image seems to be broken, or at least opkg is not working anymore.
From what I've read it seems that Alpine is the replacement for low footprint base image.
from docker-hub :
OpenWRT switched from GLIBC to MUSL, which breaks progrium/busybox :( I'm switching to alpine based container, after installing glibc as described here: https://github.com/progrium/busybox/issues/24
and from https://github.com/progrium/busybox README