CiscoCloud / haproxy-consul

Dynamic haproxy configuration using consul
Apache License 2.0
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Using FQNDs in service catalog to identify service names breaks configuration generation #20

Open dantrainor opened 8 years ago

dantrainor commented 8 years ago

Using the default HAPROXY_MODE of 'consul', I believe I'm seeing what appears to be breakage when parsing for .Name to configure backend servers.

I'm using marathon-consul to get Marathon data in to consul. It works great and I can curl GET query consul for this Marathon data all day long.

An excerpt from haproxy.cfg:

backend api.184.integration.project.platform.domain_backend

backend database.184.integration.project.platform.domain_backend

backend frontend.184.integration.project.platform.domain_backend

backend project-api_backend

   server mesos-master01.infrastructure.domain 172.32.x.x:31132

backend project-database_backend

   server mesos-master01.infrastructure.domain 172.32.x.x:32861

backend project-frontend_backend

   server mesos-master01.infrastructure.domain 172.32.x.x:32072

I'm using SERVICE_NAME to name the service ( and had been wondering if this is what broke the configuration, until I did a test using SERVICE_NAME but using a more simple name, one which did not represent a FQDN.

If I don't use SERVICE_NAME, or if I don't name the service to contain periods, my backends are then assigned a server as expected.