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Cisco Meraki Ansible Collection
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Query organisation rf profiles without `net_id` #307

Open richardjohnallsopp opened 2 years ago

richardjohnallsopp commented 2 years ago

I was wondering if there is a way we could make the meraki_mr_rf_profile module have the ability to query and add the RF profiles at an org level without the requirement of net_id. The use case is we have a massive AP deployment where each site in our wireless org has a network, but we use a single template to configure all the devices. RF profiles live in the template, but the way the module works right now we would have to manage a profile per network.

I want to be able to add a profile to a template instead of managing at the network level and then I can assign where needed in each network.

kbreit commented 2 years ago

I'm constrained by what the API will allow me to do. Browsing the API I'm not seeing any option for applying an RF Profile to an organization instead of a network. Are you familiar with an endpoint that attaches it to the organization?

richardjohnallsopp commented 2 years ago

No I couldn't see a way to do it via the API but thought I'd ask, I assume you can add profiles to templates either?

kbreit commented 2 years ago

You should be able to apply it to templates. Instead of specifying the network ID specify the template ID in net_id.

richardjohnallsopp commented 2 years ago

Ok cool I'll give that a shot and get back to you ASAP. So using that logic could I use template ID in net_id when I query for profiles? If that works I can then pull the data from the portal and have ansible build be the variable files I want to use for updating and creating.

richardjohnallsopp commented 2 years ago

Seems like query doesn't like the template ID instead of net_id task:

    # use module to pull device settings
    - name: Query template RF profiles
        auth_key: "{{ auth_key }}"
        org_name: "{{ org_name }}"
        net_id: "N_573083052582924368" # global template ID
        state: query
      delegate_to: localhost
      register: inventory_rf_profiles
        - "debug_p"


TASK [Query template RF profiles] *****************************************************************************************************
fatal: [localhost -> localhost]: FAILED! => changed=false 
  msg: No network found with the name N_573083052582924368
  response: OK (unknown bytes)
  status: 200

UPDATE: You said use net_id not net_name testing again.

So that just hangs for some reason

TASK [Query template RF profiles] *******************************************************************************************************
[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 1

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 2

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 3

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 4

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 5

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 6

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 7

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 8

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 9

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 10

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 11

fatal: [localhost -> localhost]: FAILED! => changed=false 
  msg: Rate limit retries failed for
  response: OK (unknown bytes)
  status: 500
kbreit commented 2 years ago

@richardjohnallsopp When you say template, you mean a configuration template, yes? If so, can you confirm that's indeed your configuration template ID? In my experience configuration template ID's begin with L_ and you're showing N_. That may not solve the problem, but it's the first thing jumping out to me.

richardjohnallsopp commented 2 years ago

@kbreit when I query any wireless network where the template is applied I get the same ID

TASK [debug] ****************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => 
    changed: false
      config_template_id: N_573083052582924368
      enrollment_string: null
      id: N_573083052582922385
      is_bound_to_config_template: true
      name: Wireless - 
      notes: ''
      organization_id: '470324'
      - wireless
      time_zone: Greenwich
    failed: false
    response: OK (unknown bytes)
    status: 200
kbreit commented 2 years ago

@kbreit when I query any wireless network where the template is applied I get the same ID

TASK [debug] ****************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => 
    changed: false
      config_template_id: N_573083052582924368
      enrollment_string: null
      id: N_573083052582922385
      is_bound_to_config_template: true
      name: Wireless - 
      notes: ''
      organization_id: '470324'
      - wireless
      time_zone: Greenwich
    failed: false
    response: OK (unknown bytes)
    status: 200

What module is this? Looks more like meraki_network than RF profiles.

richardjohnallsopp commented 2 years ago

The above is me querying the meraki_network to show that the template ID I'm using in meraki_mr_rf_profile is correct. For some reason when I use the net_id as the template ID it hangs for a while and then errors out.

TASK [Query template RF profiles] *******************************************************************************************************
[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 1

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 2

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 3

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 4

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 5

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 6

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 7

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 8

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 9

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 10

[WARNING]: Internal server error 500, retry 11

fatal: [localhost -> localhost]: FAILED! => changed=false 
  msg: Rate limit retries failed for
  response: OK (unknown bytes)
  status: 500
kbreit commented 2 years ago

I created a new integration test and the query to meraki_network seems to be working. Are we approaching this task the same way?

  - name: Query network created by template
      auth_key: '{{ auth_key }}'
      state: query
      org_name: '{{test_org_name}}'
      net_name: TemplateClone
    delegate_to: localhost
    register: query_cloned_network
TASK [meraki_network : debug] *******************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "query_cloned_network": {
        "changed": false,
        "data": {
            "config_template_id": "L_6248744482971111111",
            "enrollment_string": null,
            "id": "L_6248744482972222",
            "is_bound_to_config_template": true,
            "name": "TemplateClone",
            "notes": null,
            "organization_id": "33333333",
            "product_types": [
            "tags": [],
            "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
            "url": ""
richardjohnallsopp commented 2 years ago

Yeah my code is the same as is the output, what doesn't work is using that template ID to query the RF profiles attached to the template. I'd like to see this working in your lab. One issue I can think about is that our Meraki wireless template was manually build 5 years ago so that might explain the weird ID.

kbreit commented 2 years ago

Do you have Postman or any tool like that? If you know how to, please try the query there. What does it respond with? If it has a 500 error and gives no details you should be able to work with Meraki support on the problem.